(PHOTO of actual Mezuzah) (Additional photos in extended article). A Lakewood Yungerman relayed the following story to TLS. Just Last week, this Yungerman’s father visited the Gadol Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita in Eretz Yisroel to get Brochos for his children. The Rav was reading the names on the K’vitel wishing Brocha V’hatzlocha by each name. When the Rav got to the name of this particular Yungerman, the Rav said “tell your son to check his Mezuzahs back at home”. Sure enough, the Yungerman immediately went to check all his Mezuzahs. Shocked, the Yungerman found the font door Mezuzah-which was checked just over a year ago and in an enclosed in an outdoor casing-to be water logged and Pasul! (Mobile users click here to view photos).
The Power Of A Gadol
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….And to all those that don’t “believe” in rabbanim and don’t know how to turn to rabbanim for advice…. o well….
I find it very hard to believe this story and it’s a shame that is what Yiddishkeit has been reduced to. For one, why would the Gadol need to read the name from the k’vital to know that his Mizzuzah was Pasul? If he has the “power” wouldn’t he know it from just speaking to the man? Sounds like a true story… because I heard it from the guy that made it up.
“For one, why would the Gadol need to read the name from the k’vital to know that his Mizzuzah was Pasul?”
If you would actually have read the story not just dismissed it to begin with, you would see that it was not the yungerman who went to R’ Chaim but his father.
Shame on you “Rational”:
I am strongly moiche on the kovod of Harav Hagaon Reb Chaim Kaneivski .May the RBSO send the Gaon arichas yomin tovim v’shanim.
One and a half days b4 the Yom Hadin. Malachim are tzittering and you doubt the moiredike s’yate dishmaye of Hagaon Reb Chaim Kanievski? Are you for real? Why have you become so cynical?
Haga B’atzmacha. Don’t you know that b”h Kllal Yisrael was zoiche to have in this alma dishikra REAL gedoilim. You should be tanzing b’simcha. But no you are cynical.
I give you brocha that you “Rational “should be zoiche to see Reb Chaim and I promise you you will have no kashas.
Furthermore your reading skills are way off. It says in the story the yungermans FATHER went to the Rav and that is why he needed to see the kvittel.
May we all be zoiche to to do tshuvah And may we all be gebetsht with a gut yuhr
I feel sorry for those who do not believe in the power of holy rabbanim. What do they have to live for? Spirituality is what makes my life worth living.
Wow!!! Mr. “Rational”
You’ve got one heck of alot of nerve. How someone can talk like you is beyond me. And how you will daven on this upcoming Yom Hadin for a good year is even more beyond my comprehension. How dare someone even think of talking like this?!! I will turn it the other way around; It is devastatingly sad that Klal Yisroel has come to such a state where we have peope like you that walk,talk and look like a “regular” frum person and their “insides”are totally rotten. I’d be petrified if I were you. I myself have been to some Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel and was zoiche to literally see their “power” as you call it so much so that I was shaking for the next hour. I hope you do a full Teshuva and merit to understand that it is because of our gedolim that we EXIST. And btw this is not some superstitious “power” rather it is the koach of Torah. Learn a little Mesilas Yeshorim and you’ll POSSIBLY begin to understand. And just in case you think I’m some Kollel guy that sits and learns all day,let me tell you I am not. I work and have a degree but B’H I still have my priorities set straight. I hope you get yours straightened out very soon.
I am baffled by those who think in some way or form I was belittling the Kavod of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a. If you read my comments I said I don’t believe the story. This doesn’t mean that there is a lack of Kavod for our Gedolim. I remember when I was with someone many years ago who went to Rav Moshe ZT”L and told him a similar fantastic story that was written in a book about another Godal, and I will quote what Rav Moshe said… “I don’t believe this story”. He asked Rav Moshe why. Rav Moshe answered, “I know the stories they say about me and they are not true”. So unless you wish to include Rav Moshe in your category for scorn I feel I am in very good company. And to my dear friend Lkwd770… “it is because of our Gedolim that we EXIST”? Now that my friend is K’fira… It is because of HaKadosh Baruch Hu that we exist… but I’m not shocked by K’firah from a name like Lkwd770. K’siva V’Chsima Tova.
rational, poor coverup. in your original post you didn’t merely write you don’t believe the story. you wrote: “why would the Gadol need to read the name from the kvital to know that his Mizzuzah was Pasul? If he has the power wouldnt he know it from just speaking to the man?”. you shlogged up the story using your lack of emunas chachomim. anyone with sechel can see what you wrote. be a man and admit.
rational, in case I was too strong I ask you mechila. gmar chasima tova, vos hacks
Mechila accepted… but I think you missed the point… It is the contents of the story itself that leads me not to believe it… Emunas Chachamim is not some fanciful concept of reading a name and having the “power” to see that his Mezuzza is Pasul. Emunas Chachamim means accepting their guidance in believing in the “power” of HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
I hear