The following was sent to us by the O.U: It is difficult to comprehend the enormity of the devastation in Haiti. Jews are described by the Talmud as “rachmanim b’nei rachmanim,” a particularly compassionate people who are sensitive to the suffering of all, and we cannot sit by and ignore this terrible drama of human suffering and misery. We echo the words of the Psalmist who said “imo anochi b’tzarah” (Psalm 91), when we call upon members of our community to open their hearts and join us in extending a helping hand. Through our website, the Orthodox Union is serving as a collection point for donations, which will be directly forwarded to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. The JDC has already helped to send an Israeli relief team of medical, search and rescue, and post-trauma counseling experts to assist survivors and will continue to assist with the help of our contributions. Your support is needed immediately. Click here to donate.
The O.U. Asks Jews To Donate To Haiti Earthquake Disaster Fund
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This is a nice thing to do but we have enough places in lkwd that need our money…..
I agree with Chaim us Yidden are being evicted and turned on the street with no where to live. Help us first!
Anybody knows the history of that country will understand the Yad H’.
I agree that we need to help, but what if we organized and asked everyone to donate $10 to a local mosad? Aniyei Irchah…
no good is going to come to you all. I remember when all of you needed help.
I agree that we have people in Lakewood that need help,But right now we are better off than the people of Hati.Miller Rd really are you or any other Jewish person in Lakewood living on the streets,I didn’t see you in Tent City.Its called being a good person and helping out your fellow man,no matter the race or religion.
Ohhh, I recall a certain group that was helped over 60 years ago by so many countries. If it wasn’t for that help, think about where you would be now. A dollar will go a long way in a poor country.
To #6, no but you can come to my eviction case being held next week. I moved to Lakewood because of it’s beautiful Jewish community. When my business was doing good I helped everyone, however when my family hits hard times NO ONE will help. So no I won’t be in Tent city yet, but next week I’ll be living out of my SUV, and hooking up a camping stove to the cigarette lighter.
Eh, Tony, I recall 60 years ago that many countries did NOT help a certain group. We have massive evidence of that. But you can’t compare this to that. It’s like apples and oranges. One is genocide and the world didn’t care and looked the other way. And this is “natural disaster” and they will get plenty of help over the next decade from many countries especially the US. No one’s arguing whether they should be helped. Of course, they should, and get massive global aid.
people should rather give money to moisdos hatorah as we know that torah being learned is whats supporting the world
rabboissai this is a sign that we have to do teshuva!!!!!
To all of you who don’t want to help Haiti, that it’s ok, but it is not nice to be posting comments saying that Jewish people should be help first when they are already receiving plenty of help. I am sure you all have clean water to drink and at lesat one pair of shoes to wear. have you seen the conditions that these people are living in? they have no food, no clothes, no houses. Thanks to many goverment programs many of people in Lakewood and other cities are able to bring food to their table and put a roof on their families head. Let’s not be so selfish here and open our minds and hearts to those who, now, need our help.
Whay about the Halachos of Mfarsim Anyey Akum im Aniyay Yisroel M’Pney Aivah???
what about it?