The Making of a Gadol


Cash is always flying in one classroom of Yeshiva Ketana Torah Vodaas! One creative teacher awards fake money for completing assignments on time, good behavior, and of course, effort.

The boys of the class had their eyes on Chanuka, when the teacher would open the “store” and students would spend their hard-earned “money” on all sorts of fabulous prizes. *Moishy was no different. He had worked hard, all day- every day, to earn as much class cash as he possibly could. Having amassed a small fortune, it was no surprise that Moishy, the “richest” boy in the class was preparing to outbid all of his classmates on the highly coveted football.

The great day arrived with much fanfare and anticipation. It was the topic on everyone’s mind as they raced into the class that morning. Moishy couldn’t help but overhear strains of conversations as they wafted by, football, football, football.

Moishy’s mind was racing. He wanted the football just as badly as everyone else. Realistically speaking, nobody had enough money to outbid Moishy, but the next boy in line would be very excited to be able to spend his cash on the football.

And so, with middos that are the trademark of a Torah Vodaas talmid, Moishy chose not to bid on the football so the other boy could take home the prize he so desperately wanted. When the teacher approached Moishy asking why he didn’t take the football, Moishy humbly replied, “I saw how badly he wanted it, so I was mevater.” The teacher was so impressed by Moishy’s sincerity that she went out again to buy a special prize for this special student.

Moishy won a different football as a prize, after all. But he also showed the world what a real prized talmid he truly is.

Yeshiva Torah Vodaas has been mechanech generations of American gedolim for the last 100 years. This historic yeshiva is still impacting the generations of the future! As the yeshiva celebrated its 100th birthday last year, the world was engulfed by the pandemic, and all its regular fundraising was put on hold.

Now, they need your support, or they will not be able to turn the page to the next 100 years of this storied Yeshiva.

This Yeshiva is not just historical, it is history in the making.

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