Anyone who wants to know who the LAC is and why some of us do not write our names, please send an email to [email protected] and I will answer you. Some of us have a lot on the line and cannot become public ping pong balls. I on the other hand do not care much. If you want to know what we have accomplished, how about 2 million in saved Title 1 money for the mosdos. How about 2500 people who were successful in their tax appeals free of charge. How about the valiant fight we tried to put up to get taxes lowered. How about all the other meetings and work we put in to many other projects that if we mention here will embaress certain individuals.
We invite anyone with opinions and passion to join us. Please email us and join in. If you want to come to our meetings, we will email you when they are and you are welcome.
As to why we made this endorsement if we are still “wet behind the ears”, we were asked by veteran askanim to do it in an effort to explain to the oilam why it is important for everyone to go vote. The vaad would never say it the way it is and it will be a lackluster turnout. This has the potential to bring out more votes.
So instead of sitting here and fighting on a blog, why don’t we sit down in person and discuss. Please send us an email and we can all work together to help our town. I for one have no personal aspiration in politics other than to get taxes lowered and move on.
The LAC Responds
Chesky Seitler.
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Go LAC, is seems that you are the only ones left in Lakewood who cares about the regular guy!
Chesky and crew, keep it up. those that appose you are all doing it for personal finacial reasons.
There is absolutely NO excuse not to publicize ALL who run the LAC
Sorry, your orginazation can NOT be taken seriously untill this is done.
To mr chesky
If I may ask who was the one that discovered title one in lkwd a couple of years ago?
Waiting for answer
Saying the LAC supports the little guy isn’t true.They represent homeowners and homeowners ONLY!
I would like to say that I applaud your trying to help and make a difference . However I must disagree with you on one important point . It is not possible to get involved in public affairs and remain anonymous . I do realize the difficulties involved with public service and getting your name in the open . Unfortunately that is the only way possible . I myself believe I could do a lot for the public ,but I do not because I do not have the stomach to put myself and my family through the stress and bizyonos involved with having your name in the public domain . But that is the first requirement . Openess . It is totally naive that yiu think people can be public servants and askonim and remain private and anonymous . It wont work . with that reasoning we can all try to fix the world by starting anonymous blogs . Public service comes along with open debate and allowing people to know who you are .Hatzlocha Rabo
If your only aspiration is to get taxes lowered and then move on, then why were you publicly villifying MI? It is blatantly obvious that you are in it for other reasons too.
Because he is the primary cause our taxes are so high. For instance last nights agenda etc. You may not like the fact that we go after him, but he alone has the power to lower the budget.
to chesky,
if it is only to lower taxes and move on so you did your job. now move on. a month ago you agreed to give the center the 900,000.00 in childcare money. now that the center rescinded thier offer,why are you fighting tiny tots, who by the way gave that offer originally. i believe you have an agenda. is mr. h. pushing you for his own agenda and you are falling for his shinanigans?
Chesky keep up the good work. As you see in yesterday’s blog how many people don’t know what they are talking about
this is Sheker and Cillil Hashem as lots of goyim look at this blog
We have no prob with TT getting the deal, as long as it stays the same. meaning it needs to come from public money and not from tax money. also if the public money runs out it, it doesnt convert to tax money.
Everyone know that when it comes to doing kllal work there is more hatzlocho when it is done b`tzina.. alot less of the hulabaloo and better outcome as well as less ayin hora. Even the chachmim felt this way for thousands of years.
If anyone feels they want to be an askan who likes to flaunt then go ahead but force others to act this way .
I have no problem with helping people betzina . That is a great thing . But if you want to form an official organization publicly and tell people who to vote for ,then you need to go public . Help yechidim and dont say deos ,its fine to be bethaznas leches . Advise the public ,then you need to identify yourself . Its so poshut Im really surprised at your comment
I am also a real Askan and I do things quietly behind the scenes . But I didnt form any organizations and I do not give my advice to people regarding politics . There is a big difference between being a stule askan who may remain anonymous and being a political orginazition ,which by definition is a public thing .
For all those at the LAC that want MI out, the question is who do they want in and why???? The bottom line is that no one, including tha LAC is in it only for the good of the Tzibbur, the LAC too has an agenda, and they also will make you pay for it. When the LAC formed they wanted to get certain benefits for some developments that they did not get. Who would pay for that???? The taxpayer. They helped 2500? people lower their taxes. Who pays for that? The rest of us. The bottom line is that they are not holier than thou.
Doing things Btzinah means not airing your dirty laundry on the internet. The LAC does things in a very public way, and thus should be open as to what their real agenda is.
Lakewood I love
I see u like michael inzelbuch may I ask why???
vos genoi tut di orgenazatzia ‘LCA’? chotch zenen zei marbeh k’void shomayim ah bissel?
(sorry no australian accent available) to all lac guys, my personal thanks for saving me money (which now more then ever, every penny is urgently needed) a penny saved is a penny earned. so thanks for your askunis in setting up those informative free public meetings to inform us (the little taxpaying guys) how to save money on taxes – it worked, and i just got in the mail my stamped copy from the clerk saying it lowered my assessment by about 10%!!
i really don’t care what your names are, only to say a personal thanks to each one of you who helped me and so many!
we need REAL guys who CARE, and i think B’H there’s some light at the end of a dark corrupt tunnel!
in my opinion, if these guys, in a short amount of time since they came on the scene, were able to help so many, why are there so many people anti this? im very happy to know thers a watchdog group (and i don’t care what their names are) that’s keeping a watchful eye over the BOE who by definition is a HUGE chunk of our tax burden. and if this lawyer in there is rotten, and is funneling lots of money out to his private causes etc, that means MY tax bill will be higher. that simple. its not an “AGENDA” to get rid of a crook whos robbing you is it?
so LAC gays, haztlocha rabba!! keep on fighting for us, your making lots of headway here!
hopefully the guys in the township will start to tzitter knowing the LAC watchdogs are on the loose!! don’t give up!
who let the dogs out??? who??….
MI has helped many people in this town including me. However there are those that think he should of helped them too, even though they did not deserve his help. Therefore he has acquired enemies. Those that want him replaced, will replace him with someone who will do what they want, helping people who do not deserve to be helped. Will that lower our taxes or raise it??????
Chesky and crew. Keep up the good work. I do not understand why people have issues becuyase they ned to know who you are. WHO CARES!!! As long as your organization is accomplishing and people are made aware of results that you are doing WHO CARES!!! A lot of people know of “The askonim” by personal names and lets be honest it does’t help the askonim accomplish more than you and the LAC! There are a lot of people out there who “powers that be” that are tzituring from you and would like to get you out of the way but keep strong and kewep on plugging for the average joe taxpayer!
I’ve got it! I think soloman ,seitler and herskowitz should run 4 office would that b a dream team or what?
As a man living and growing up in lakewood i have seen and heard a lot more than all of you young yeshiva boys posting your comments. I will say what I want everyone to hear and hope you post ALL of it. Bh lakewood is growing with people that want to help our town but if you are of 25 or just want to sit in steakout all night thanks but your help is not needed. The people the helped this town grow today are arron kotler, zeev rothchild, michael inzelbuch, benny hienman, yossi atlas, menshe miller, these people all have records of helping lkwd but lac you can say what you want and write what you want but when you write a letter saying how much you helped and can’t sign it then the letter is worthless why would all of you guys not want credit for helping so many people.
I am willing to answer any questions you might have.
If we dont know ALL whos involved we cant know if and what LAC’s hidden agenda really is. ie what businesses are THEY involved in and why if kovod is not their motive (cuz its betzina) what is it?? (i fail to believe that they are such tzadikim)
The letter was signed. There is an email address for anyone who wants ot know who else is on the LAC. We are not anonymous
As a member of the LAC I’m scared for people to know hu I am becuse then they’ll start reading into all types of stuff that are just not true. If it’s really noigea then at tome future point our identities will be known to all
All I need to know about the LAC is that Chesky Seitler is involved. That being the case,as I long knew,I wouldn’t even believe anything negative someone has to say about it. Keep it up Chesky!
Hey rushbo not a bad idea.
Is seitler very young? Maybe he should run with hershkovit for mayor. If they can get the seniors to vote for them and all the townhouses they would win.without yeshiva endorsment. Seitler can screem about taxes and hershkovitz can screem about the town. Perfect teamm
U should join obama!!!
If we dont know ALL whos involved we cant know if and what LAC’s hidden agenda really is. ie what businesses are THEY involved in and why if kovod is not their motive (cuz its betzina) what is it?? (i fail to believe that they are such tzadikim)
====================================================joey its high time you stopped being such an anav. time to start being a tzadik. stop all the bikering . if you want tio be an askan who is publisized in ever corner of every weekly then go ahead . no one is forcing you to listen to anyone . you wanna vote for someone elser go ahead .
Why don’t you email them and they might help you better then trashing people you don’t know
hi LAC before you do askunas you have to understand how the town operates, lowering taxes for 1 person, just raises the taxes for others, everything is ### they have to collect for the budget and get it one way or other. The only way is to cut the EXPENSESSSSS from the top and eveybodys taxes will be lowereed, so you help one and hurt others. Think about it.
I dont want their help but they want MY vote so they better earn my trust and respect they should email us and come out of their hidding places.
joey says:
October 27, 2009 at 7:16 pm
I dont want their help but they want MY vote so they better earn my trust and respect they should email us and come out of their hidding places.
trust me , no body wants your vote!
You are right on target, my friend. I think it takes alot of chutzoah to make public statements that you want people to adhere to, but when they want to know who you are they told to go through some backroom email plan.. What gives with these folks? You couldn’t make this stuff up if you wanted!!
if you want to know what the Lac members do for a living, to make sure there is no conflict of interest, here goes. One is studying to become a social worker. another is studying to become an actuary. another works for his grandparents in manhattan. 2 of them do loan modifcation. one does prop management in newark. one works in ny comp selling plastic goods and one is an investment planner.
what we don’t do is have a contract for 6k a month to update the town web site. we don’t lease equipment to the town at double the going rate. we don’t offer services to latinos and charge 130k fo salary. we don’t demand fancy sidewalks in front of our third street stores. we don’t try to get tax assesor positions. we don’t take care of the boe 401k account.
we are young guys who nobody knos. you won’t recognize our names and it will make no difference to you at all. the question is ifyou agree that cunnlife is worse than meir and menasha. we think so. if you disagree, we respect that. if you want go hang up signs yourself. we are not telling you who to vote for. we are just stating our opinion. if you agree, great. If not, great.
Setting the record what??,
You sure did tell us who to vote for!! Don’t you try denying that!!
Also, apparently you left some of the big player’s positions out of your lineup?? Why is that?
And is your “daas torah” also a secret???
we ASKED people to vote. We don’t TELL peoplw who to vote for. Only Joey and Joey’s friend do that (aka the vaad and co). I listed all 8 membrs and their jobs. If you think I missed someone you are probably misinformed as every other vaad member. Give up!
btw m hertz was the one for the last 10 years fighting title 1 money not the lac he deserves the credit
Thank You for setting the record Straight. That makes sense. Go LAC
to mr seting the record straight grow up if u think the vad member care abt what u do ur dead wrong and there not on here bashing specaily when ur backing the same guys as them once u broght up the vad first of all u lost any cred abilty u might of had second ak was the 1 who stop title 1 from going to t t so dont take credit. what i do agre with u that cunlif ……. and vor for mm and ml
Anon 8:45-
You’re a shakran and youk now it.
After all this time, One would’ve thought that the lac would have finally gotten the message that they need to clear the air by telling us all exactly who they are so we can be assured of no hidden motives. but they decided to disappoint us yet again.. Oh well.. It’s just another one bites the dust.
” Bh lakewood is growing with people that want to help our town but if you are of 25 or just want to sit in steakout all night thanks but your help is not needed.”
I am just curious what exactly are you trying to say about 25 year olds, and where exactly does Steakout come in?
Are you saying that if your 25yrs old you can’t do any good for anyone or this town?
Are you trying to say that the guys from LAC are sitting in Steakout all night?
Or are you going completely out of line and writing false/bad comments about someone else’s business?
Where exactly were you going with that?
I asked my Rav if I should listen to the LAC and he asked me who they were. When I told him that no one really knows, he gave me a disaproving look and said “I can’t imagine a bar sechel telling you to listen to something if you don’t know where it’s coming from”
As I sit here in yeshiva with a couple of friends reading and discussing this letter and site we the yeshiva bouchrim will ask all of lkwd to go out and vote for michael inzelbuch.
1) A great lawyer
2) A good friend of mine
3) Helped countless of special ed kids
4) Open schi
5) Got free bussing for lkwd
6) Has daas torah
7) Gives money to my yeshiva
8) Loves all jews
9)Wants a better lkwd
10) We yeshiva bouchrim want him
Or u can vote for my rosh hayeshiva
Who cares who they are????What differnece does it make????All I hear from teh “neagtive to LAC” folks are Who are they are?They have an adgenda! but “Negative to LAC” can you please expound on your suppose “LAC agenda?” The reasonm LAC is succesful is because “the average Joe” is cheering for them because the others “Representatives” are not!
Who cares who they are! All I know is they are “Bringing out of the closet” a lot of “Chazurai” that has been going on causingg ALL of us a lot of money!
Have any of you thought about the amount of revenue brough into Lakewood from taxes comparable to surrounding towns and still they comitte says we do not have enough money. Where is it all going? Look at this link look at the “Ratable” colum Lakewood is bringing in 2nd to the most in RE taxes in Ocean County (after Toms River) Where is it going????!! One other observation the next cloumn”Class 15 exempt” lists teh properties that do not pay taxes……Compare it to surrounding towns and it is way to high. Nobody wants to talk about it BUT…., this “Exempt” business has to stop. Chesky get on top of this one!!
Keep up the good work!
I’m fine with your vote of confidence for m. inzelbuch. Unfortunately, he’s not running for twp committee.
However, I should correct you on a few items. 1) He did not open schi 2) Lkwd’s bussing was around before his days, but as the boe atty he did a fantastic job defending the policy against a rabid hater (which is now deceased from a fire he started at the lkwd tent city) And lastly 3) He donates to more than just your one yeshiva. In fact he has also donated back into the public school system by personally paying for various extra curicular activities like field trips, etc.. He should only see continued hatzlocha!
It won’t help you if you get the names nothing will stop you and the other bashers from stoping to post stupid comments.
The LAC is there to help I’m sure that what they did and continue to do will benefit you and all of lakewood. The only reason to bash…. Is because your afraid that they will hurt your special interest
I agree with you 100%
Binyomin says:
October 27, 2009 at 9:56 pm
I asked my Rav if I should listen to the LAC and he asked me who they were. When I told him that no one really knows, he gave me a disaproving look and said “I can’t imagine a bar sechel telling you to listen to something if you don’t know where it’s coming from”
Does your so called ROV know who is behind anything and everything in this town or someware else? Did he know every person or persons backing obama during election? NO. Does he know every person behind the gemaCHIm which he probably takes advantage of ? NO. Does he know every sole behind the lakewood vadd, even the shtiler chevra? NO. So stop with your shtusim already . No one is forcing you to do anything . Go vote for whom u want to vote for and stop with your total nonsence of wanting to know every nook and cranny of detail . Be happy that people are trying to do the best . Apparently you dont appreciate them.
If u do a little research on the internet u would see mi did get bussing in lkwd and if u were in the coffe room in middle of first seder u would know the raid with who opened schi and if u would pay more att when voting u can vote for anyone u want!!
If I were you guys( I am no longer in Lakewood), before an election I would try to inform myself as much as I can about the issues and canditates by attending townhalls, reading Asbury Park Press, calling the candidates’ offices etc. If the history tells us something is that relying on the self-proclaimed good doers would not likely do us any good.
Anon ‘to dovber’ 10:52,
We can now add another deragatory label the LAC likes to bash regular folks with – “special interest.”
No. You’re wrong again. Contrary to your diversion, I am not part of whatever “special interest” group you may be refering to. I also do not feel that my or any other questioner’s comment were “stupid”
And Yes. Like so many others feel, it DOES make a difference to us Lakewood citizens if we know exactly who is behind the faceless LAC.
I echo Binyomin’s Rav from 9:56. Where’s the seichel to take advice from a no-name group of self-admiitted youngsters??
Stop the distraction already! Next time, please give us some “real” answers. Thank you.
Ressponse to Leib
There are no n”Townhall” meetings to get caught up on teh issue. Only here on good ol’ TLS
How do you have internet and know so much about the raid in town?
Please don’t attack me I am a builder and I pay taxes and need internet for business
real asken: calm down and please stop making incoherent arguments and statements seyag lechochma shtika ,
Hey editor post that other comment with thelink to the page with Ratables. You can do it!
i think my original post was lost
i said .dont the vaad and the lac both support the same candidate ?so who cares.and cunliffe is not an option.and hershkowitz is too long a name for a write in.i guess we need to wait for next year.this is only the beginning
I have a phone with internet and by any chane is your name ralph zuker u should know mi opened schi u were at the meetings as I heard or maybe its just raid!!
Does your so called ROV know who is behind anything and everything in this town or someware else? Did he know every person or persons backing obama during election? NO. Does he know every person behind the gemaCHIm which he probably takes advantage of ? NO. Does he know every sole behind the lakewood vadd, even the shtiler chevra? NO. So stop with your shtusim already . No one is forcing you to do anything . Go vote for whom u want to vote for and stop with your total nonsence of wanting to know every nook and cranny of detail . Be happy that people are trying to do the best . Apparently you dont appreciate them.
real (?) askan-
It’s unbelievable how hard you try to defend the lac against what so many in shtot are asking for. I didn’t see anyone ask for “every nook and cranny of detail” as you exagerate it. Their request is plain & simple. What are the exact names of the people on this group??
Don’t you realize that virtrually no other group hides their leaders names like this. The lac is sticking out like a major sore thumb with this kind of ridiculous behavior..
Can you please try to persuade them to work on giving us the bare minimum!!
Wow! so many people want to know our names. How about this. Thre are 15 members on the vaad. Most people can only name 2 or 3. So as far as anyone who wants a nae is concerned, I am the Lac. if you want to know who asked you to vote, it was me. I am the name. DOes it help now. There is no other members. ok?
Ya but the have daas torah where is your?
I should be told to vote by someone who writes “there IS no other members .ok?”?
I have been reading so many great posts from people like cyrano hershkowitz and even lieb,although I am not of the same opinion as him.
I looked at the comments on this post hoping to see some lively,intelligent debate,only to find juvenile,petty name calling.
The issues brought up by both sides on this post ,are of little concern,and even smaller effect on the lives of our citizens.
Saving 200 dollars a year on your taxes is a small concern next to the quality of life issues we are facing more and more each day in our town.And if you scream a few hundred dollars is a lot of money for some people,I will say: those people should not have bought houses in the first place.
We need creative,intelligent, thoughtful people to lead us,not nitpicking ,juvenile wannabees.
Both sides of this argument should stand back and make way for some truly innovative leaders that I hope are out there,somewhere.
Why dont you send an email to them and you will get all your questions answerd
Stop with the yougsters on the lac,the average age on the Lac is older than Menashe Miller and Mier when they joined the township committee ,older then R Mechel Gruss when he joined the Cheder Vaad,Older than Harav Malkiel Became rosh Hayeshiva So please stop using the young,Just realize all they want is to help the Klal. If you are bashing them you must be scared .
To “me” @ 8:13,
The difference is obvious. All those “names” had older people and Rabbonim backing them. The lac will only admit they are young. Will not admit their names. And apparently, has NO daas torah behind them. Additionally, if they want to compare their kishron to the RH”Y they are stam fools..
It looks like we can now add another Label to the lac’s attack arsenal of labels “scared.” Well.. they’re wrong again.
whats going on over here why are some people soooo scared from the LAC????????
You mean why is the LAC soooo scared to remove their masks!!!
What are they hiding??????????
To Benny
I am not on the lac I just know who they are, all i am saying is that young is not an issue.I guess you hold that no one should start doing anything until 45 years old.I am not comparing anyone to the Rosh Hayeshiv, just realize that age is not a factor over here.
Does anyone want to help the Klal the common man,Finally someone is trying to help.Its a big big problem no one trusts anyone anymore.just look at the issues at hand who cares who the lac is they are just trying to do a public service.
did they do anthing to you that you have to know who the are????
Anybody that publicly represents themselves to be a “public service” group, but deliberately hides their identity cannot be trusted as legitimate.
Remember, they approached me and all my friends via their public announcement asking us all to listen to them rearding whom to vote for. If they can’t even fulfill the ABC of minimum transparency, then they haven’t reached first base and should look for something else to do.
The onus is on them to establish themselves as credible. So far they are failing. Maybe they should get advice from a PR guy. But they should be prepared if he tells them that they will need to expose themselves..
to chesky says:
October 28, 2009 at 1:19 am
Ya but the have daas torah where is your?
please gives us your definition of the term DAAAS TORAH. and by the way did you ask das torah if u are allowed to blog?
To just in,
Still skirting around the issues? Still evading the questions? For crying out loud!! WHO does the lac consider to be their daas torah? Do they have anyone? Can we know who it is??
Again they just asked you don’t have to listen to them. And its up to them if they want to get a PR guy
I was never a big fan of the Vaad.. but watching the lac over the recent tekufa has only given me a new appreciation for the hardworking people at the Vaad.
What makes you say that???
I am pretty old, and I appreciate the fact that the younger oilam is taking things into their own hands. They need to stick up for themselves, before they lose this town, just as we old timers lost our town.