I received this email Erev Shabbos. I would like to share part of the email with all my of readers.
“It sounds like you do have a lot to offer, I definitely got amazing reports. However, at this time my son just got kicked out of his last part time yeshiva, and he is home, we are dealing with bigger issues in terms of girls, dress code, looking for a place to board…….”
Personally, This is very unfortunate.
What is wrong with our generation?
Why do we not listen to the true gedolim of our generation?
It is forbidden to refuse any student the right to an education of their choice.
Please refer to my article below for more details:
I wish to conclude with a partial quote from my rebbe, Rav Matisyahu Salamon shlita. He mentioned at the launch of my sefer, Bridging the Gap,
“Many of the children whom we call “drop outs” have not become like that because they have a bigger yetzer hara than other people, but because they feel less cared for than other people. Those children who fall through the cracks of our educational system have very often, lost out on those fundamental skills that they should have acquired earlier in life. If we could only give them a little more care, a little extra understanding or a little more help, an invaluable chizuk can be achieved, giving these people a feeling of self-esteem. Instead of, chas v’shalom, dropping out altogether. They will now want to achieve and stay within the fold, carrying on to reach high madregos, which otherwise they would never have dreamt of before…….
If we would only listen to our true leaders of our generation our students would do the right thing – just a little care.”
(You can find the full version + free download of his speech in the link below.
Rabbi Dovid Abenson is the founder and director, author and lecturer at Shaar HaTalmud, a unique yeshiva based online program, featuring evaluations and remediation, working with students to upgrade skills in Hebrew reading, chumash/rashi and gemara studies, consulting school principals world – wide to improve their ability to help students who possess under-developed skills. Also available for in house training for schools and yeshivos. He can be reached at [email protected] or 1-877-HATALMUD (428-2568)
Today is my son Yehoshua’s birthday. He died almost 7 years ago from a drug overdose . Unfortunately I put him in a system which did not meet his needs . The real problem is that children and teens especially need healthy outlets and different methods of education . All I have seen in the orthodox community here is ways of trying to make boys and girls fit into a system they do not belong in . Whether it’s academic issues or emotional issues we do not meet their needs In more modern schools they drug test the students and if they are found to be using drugs they HELP them not throw them out of school They have programs called SAFE which brings in speakers and educates about drugs and peer pressure this is the first step but I can guarantee it won’t be done here . Why is it done there because it WORKS I am going to go bodily where no one has gone before and quote I want my children ALIVE and if it means they are less religous or not at all I will LOVE them just the same ! They deserve unconditional love not religous conditional love ….a child can not be religous without their emotional and physical needs being met first The judgement teens feel here is too much … A 13 year old having to apply for school and being rejected is ridiculous at such a young age I have changed my mind in recent years and yes I CHOOSE LIFE
@Rivka Finkelstein
Very well said. Hopefully someone will read this and make a change.
Thank you for your insightful words
I agree with R. Abenson 100% , but , I think ,I already ones wrote, until our mechanchim ( Rebi, teachers, principals) will be educated according to what really our children need in this generation , nothing will stop this terrible epidemic of precious neshamos being thrown on a street…. feeling regected .. and I know, we’ll enough, what some of menahels told me in the past, that they have whole yeshiva ,in stake and the easiest way out its to let the bad ones go. So we need to change the system, that students that not such a learners, will be able to excel in different areas and not feel like a failure. Whats wrong to make a jym class,a music class or whatever will be able to help children to shine and feel good about themselfs.don’t get me wrong, I am, very much pro learning and value choshivos of learning Torah, but why can’t we combine this together. its so much important to see kids in good side, not only their learning (Torah) achievement ..,most of those kids, have so much to offer, but in our ,frum society, it’s not valuable and No one will give them that pat on a shoulder, and say” wow, you did great”. It’s a tragedy and we all have responsibility to do out best to save those children. Thank you R.Abenson for bringing this topic to everyone attention!
Rabbi abenson is unbelievable for 18 years I couldn’t learn by myself and he thought me how to do it .
This message of truly caring for each and every jewish child is so important and has to be promoted around the world. Regretfully all teachers feel threatened by this message or simply just care about their own family. Nobody speaks out in schools. Parents are left to take care of their own children. So many are lost already.
i would love to reach the chaim cohen from comment 4. is there any way lakewood scoop can put him in touch?