[COMMUNICATED] Many thousands of Israelis live in poverty. In the worst cases, they have almost nothing. Many families don’t even know where they’ll find their next meal. Living in poverty is one of those things that can only be understood by those who have experienced it. The barren refrigerator. The coldness of a bare cupboard. The emptiness of a hungry child’s face.
On Pesach, of all days, no family should know of such poverty.
This year, the Rabbonim decided to increase our efforts for kimcha dePischa. Kupat Ha’Ir normally
helps 6,000 needy families for Pesach. But this year we need to triple that and support 18,000 families in Israel. We need to make it the world’s biggest kimcha dePischa — ever.
But we need your help to make this possible.
Kupat Ha’Ir is the tzedakah of the gedolei hador. When Reb Chaim Kanievsky shiltah tells us to make this campaign. We listen. He knows all the problems of Klal Yisrael. And we must take action according to his guidance.
You can provide the gift of Simchas Yom Tov for a family that would otherwise have nothing for Pesach. It’s time to fulfill the mitzvah of Kimcha d’pischa so contribute to Kupat Hair and know that your donation means that a family in Israel will celebrate their seder with dignity.
Because of you, they will have clean clothes for the chag. They will have a clean kitchen and a clean table. Your gift means meals and snacks and drinks for a family that will not have it without you.
And here’s our extra incentive for you. If Kupat Ha’ir reaches its goal, each dollar will be tripled! Because of two generous donors, your $10 gift becomes a $30 gift. Your $100 gift becomes a $300 gift.
It’s all or nothing, though. Donate today and donate generously. Your help will make all the difference.