The עיר התורה, Built on a Foundation of ‘Doing’

Looking around at the vibrant community Lakewood has become, it’s remarkable to remember that it all began with Rav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, and a small group of his talmidim.

Every significant movement in Klal Yisroel started with an individual who had an idea and DID something to bring it to life. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of those who committed to building their community, Lakewood has grown into one of the world’s prominent Torah communities.

It’s inspiring to reflect on the potential that each yochid possesses. We all have the ability—and responsibility—to contribute meaningfully to Klal Yisroel. And while individual efforts are essential, they are often supported by an engaged tzibbur that helps turn those ideas into reality. When we come together as a tzibbur—yechidim joining to form the unique kehilla of Klal Yisroel—the possibilities are vast.

Since its inception, Agudah has been a committed advocate for our community, working in the halls of government, protecting our religious freedoms, representing our people in the courts, and providing a range of constituent services. 

Let’s continue this important work on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

With your participation, we will, b’ezras Hashem, exchange ideas, brainstorm solutions to the challenges facing our community, and launch initiatives that will enhance our families’ lives. 

Because that’s what we do. 

Doing for the Klal, day in and day out. This is who we are. This is what we do. 

Do your part—please support us at

Rabbi Shlomo Schorr
Director of Legislative Affairs

Rabbi Shimon Yehudah Mandel
Director of New Jersey Development

“Our success is a shared success… Working together allows us to achieve many more accomplishments, b’ezras Hashem.”

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