Thank You! Pesach Sedarim for over 30 Lakewood Families already sponsored in TLS/Tomchei Shabbos Web-a-thon

spnsor a sederTLS is currently hosting our once-a-year 2-week Web-a-Thon fundraiser for the community-based organization, Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood, and thanks to you – our dedicated readers – over 30 Sedarim have already been sponsored!

With Pesach approaching, we are reaching out to our dedicated readers to assist us in helping this extremely worthy organization.

Many otherwise self-supporting families simply cannot cover the tremendous additional expenses of making Pesach. These hardworking families find themselves in need of financial help to be able to provide their children with the Yom Tov basics. Pesach won’t just be difficult for their children .Without the special assistance they receive from Tomchei Shabbos, they would be unable to manage on their own.

With its finger on the pulse of Lakewood, The Lakewood Scoop strongly identifies with the pain and suffering of so many children in the kehilla whose families lack the means to provide them Yom Tov food. We feel the needs of the precious children of these families who would be left with no simchas Yom Tov at all, without the help of the entire community.

We have therefore undertaken to host the Web-a-Thon fundraiser, from now through Pesach, on behalf of Tomchei Shabbos’s Kupas Kimcha D’Pischa – Lakewood’s largest and most encompassing Pesach distribution fund.

Kupas Kimcha D’Pischa provides some 800 families in our community with all Yom Tov food essentials, from wine and matzoh to fish, meat, poultry, potatoes, produce, canned goods and more. The size and scope of the Pesach distribution effectively makes Kupas Kimcha D’Pischa an organization onto itself, with its own staggering, $800,000 budget.

Visitors to TLS are able to pledge or donate directly from our Web-a-Thon portal, 24 hours a day.

In addition to their regular sponsorship options, Kupas Kimcha D’Pischa offers the Sponsor-a-Seder program, which provides donors of $147 and above the opportunity to underwrite a family’s entire Pesach Seder.

The first 5 Sedorim were sponsored by TLS.

Kupas Kimcha D’Pischa is 501(c)3 tax-deductible charity.

To donate now online, CLICK HERE.

If you wish to donate via check, you can do so by sending a check payable to ‘Kimcha D’pischa Fund’ to 212 2nd Street, Suite 403, Lakewood NJ 08701. Or, you can call in to 732-276-9142.

Thank you.

TLS Editor

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