(In response to yesterday’s post of PD enforcing the law on River Avenue, a reader submitted the following comment). I want to personally thank the LPD for enforcing the following driving habits which i see all too often, and endangers my life and the life of my passengers. I hope I do not see any comments about “anti semitism”. These cops are doing their jobs and enforcing traffic and safety laws. 1. Running Red Lights. 2. Cross the railroad tracks when the lights are still flashing, after the train has passed – you MUST wait for the lights to go off before you proceed, just because the train has gone by does not mean you are allowed to run what is essentially a red light
3. Doing a “Rolling Stop”, that is not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, or stopping past the stop sign – you MUST come to a complete stop at the stop sign, not just slow down, and not stop after the sign. I cringe every time i come to a complete stop at the sign, and i see the car behind me nearly ram into be because he wasn’t expecting me to actually obey the law.
4. Having children in the front seat, belted or other wise, having children without the proper car seat or restraint for their age and size, or my personal favorite, a minivan doing car pool that seats 7, yet somehow has 11 children in the back. How can anyone take ANY short cut when it comes to the safety of our children? It shocks and disgusts me how often i see these practices
5. Stopping in the middle of the road to pickup a hitch hiker. We wont discuss the legality of hitching, but the practice of SLAMMING on your brakes in middle of the road to pick someone up endangers YOU, ME and the hitcher
6.Racing down sunset to make minyan. I routinely see cars doing 50-60 MPH and race into the parking lot of the shul at 7:02, 8:02 etc, clearly they are rushing because minyan has started. I GUARANTEE you hashem will give you no credit for that minyan if you endangered yourself and others to get to it.
There are many others, but for now, this is my list, feel free to add to it so we can remind each other about the safe way to drive.
thank you
The title of this article leaves one, who doesn’t read it, with the impression that the LPD is enforcing people’s bad driving habits. What they are enforcing are the laws against terrible driving habits. Please correct it either by saying “LPD Enforcing Laws to Combat Terrible Driving Habits” or by some other words to take out the negative connotation that the title gives.
As for the letter writer- kudos to you. Well written and expressed and I certainly agree with everything!!!
To # 2 Thank you for your input. Much appreciated.
thank you very much while we are at it some people dont realize that right turn on red is no different than astop sign and u must come to a complete stop
#1 should be cell phone use. I cant go a day without being stuck behind a car either going 10 MPH under the limit or waiting at a stop sign or green light several minutes….. when i pull alongside the driver they are ALWAYS on their phone!!!
Cut it out yentas!!!
thats a great one, i dont think many people in town realize that, sometimes i get honked at because i come to a complete stop at a red before turning right
How about some impatient yo-yo pulling out right in front of you to make a turn onto your lane from a side street or driveway as you are traveling the at speed limit – AND there isn’t even a car behind you so they could have waited for you to pass first!
sounds like the letter writer has alot of pent up aggression
Three main reasons we have such driving in our city.
1. Brooklyn
2. Brooklyn
3. Brooklyn.
Youse gotta problem wit dat?
wow SOMEONE needs to see a therapist!!!!!!
Men stop reading the scoop while driving and ladies please if you need to make that phone call PLEASE not while in the middle of an intersection while trying to make a left turn. A bissel saychel please!
#9…….grow up!!!we make up more than half the town anyway so just live with it:-)
LPD-Keep it up! We need safe roads. And I’ve gotten tickets in my life too and I deserved it and I won’t yell “Anti-Semitism”…and all other stupid tyope of comments because it’s got nothing to do with race….it’s got to do with enforcing the law and ensuring OUR and our children’s safety! I cannot see how anyone can drive safely while on a cellphone let alone texting…..I see people with BOTH hands on their phone trying to keep their car in lane in slower traffic. You WILL get into an accident,the question is just WHEN.
11 from brooklyn – making up more then half the town doesn’t entitle you to endanger ANYONE’S life, or to break any laws. Period.
I love texing and driving
You are right about the hitch hiking. I have seen on many occaision, how the driver stops IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD to pick up a bachur who is hitching. The driver doesn’t pull over to the side to let traffic pass. It’s amazing how careless they are & inconsiderate to others. This is such chutzpeh, that I cannot imagine the mitzveh will justify this behavior. a little consideration for others , please!! Ofcourse the danger to everyone is also a critical issue here as well.
Did you know that in LA its actually against the law to make a right turn in front of a car if the car has to hit his brakes?!?!?! Ppl in lkwd are so lucky, anytime someone does that I feel like bumping them off the road, especially when they see you coming while they are still rolling, and they just run the stop sign!!!!!!! No courses or laws can correct these retarted and suicidal drivers!!!! U need to revoke their licenses!!!!
Who decided that women are the only ones on the phone? Do you know any man who can survive 5 minutes without texting, reading email, sending an email or taking or making a call? If you’re bringing up the issue of phones, how dare you pin it to only women?
TO 18
I propose a new screening test for a shiduuch: see how they drive first before even considering it. If the prospect displays any bad middos whilst driving, they are toast!