Thank You H-shem For The Primary Process

[Reader Submitted] While much has been written about the negatives of the School registration process, I would like to point out all the positive things I’ve learned from it. I am someone who is trying to get my daughter into school and have been rejected from 3 of my 5 choices so far. Yes, we are worried and have put countless hours researching schools and calling contacts in the schools we chose to apply to. As we wait for the yeshua to come, my wife and I have sat down and discussed the benefits that we have gained:

Being thankful that:

1. This is our biggest problem in life right now. There are plenty of people with worse problems.

2. This is only primary. So my daughter is clueless and we don’t have to worry about dealing with her feelings.

3. This is a one time thing ( until High School). People in shiduchim go through this with each child – sometimes a few children at the same time.

The lesson that:

1. We should be sensitive to other’s problems and be careful what we ask or say to people going through their own problems.

2. We are not in control. We had major “pull” in a certain school. If there was a slot, we pretty much had it. But that school had so many siblings, that they didn’t even have registration this year. Any other year, we were told, would have been no problem.

3.Seeing Hashgacha Pratis – on the same day that we got a rejection letter, we also got an application to a school who told us that they didn’t think they were taking anymore applications but would send one if they still had room. or “Bumping” into someone who has “pull” in a school we applied to.

4. Getting chizuk from different sources – whether listening to a shiur, our Rav’s drasha or opening a sefer – we are hearing things that we never would have focused on and internalized, if we were not going through the process.

5. The realization that after all is said and done, of course we have to do our hishtadlus, and have multiple people call the school on our behalf but that is only hishtadlus shel sheker. Only our tefilos and bitachon in H-shem are the true hishtadlus.

Signed by:

Whatever will be, is for the best!

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  1. Based on the headline I was sure you were talking about the Republican primary races which are dominating the news. 🙂

    Anyway, keep the faith! Your daughter will get in somewhere eventually.

  2. I bless you that this attitude keeps up even if youre G-d forbid not accepted till August. It pretty painful now, but it can get real bad as many, many months go by. Hang in there!!

  3. I have also received two rejection letters thus far, with one of the schools saying that they have more siblings than spots (why did they even mail me an application?).

  4. this letter really bother me…………..
    wait until your child has not been in school for 15 months and then see if you feel the same way. your points are nice but not reality keep pretending that these points will help you deal with your child’s rejection from getting into school. one point you made is also that your child is clueless and that you don’t have to deal with her feelings you are very wrong kids are smarter then you think and they understand that they are suppose to go to school…

  5. Absolutely ridiculous! Yes there are bigger problems in this world and yes you will get over it. However; the reason people get so mad about it, is because its unnecessary. This should not be going on, it doesn’t go on else where. People speak not nicely to you, say bad things about you, and don’t take you for petty reasons. This brings on tremendous sinas chinam. Its tearing Klal Yisroel apart, making a class system among Jews! For what???? This is why people are SO upset. Surely this is not what Hashem wants. That’s all. I’m happy you have a positive attitude – but I’m sure Hashem is crying 🙁

  6. I too have just received my first rejection letter – It is an inspiration to read your words but 1 point was very wrong. My daughter knows exactly whats going on because she has gone to interviews.
    She is crushed and I sat down with her and just hugged her.
    You are seeking a hug from Hashem and I hope you feel it.
    It is very hard for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel and your words have helped.
    May we always feel Hashem’s loving arms around us and be assured that all is for the best.
    Heres hoping…

  7. if it is a law a child has to be bused from monday to friday , there is also a law every child has to go to school from monday to friday , from sept. to june

  8. This letter assumes that being optimistic can help shape your reality. It’s very common to mix up bitachon with optimism. After you use pull, and bump into more people with pull, and find the positives in the situation, let’s say nobody accepts you? What lesson will you learn from that? But the truth is that’s also Hashems will…

  9. I’m actually feeling pretty wealthy right now. I laid out over $1000 for application fees for my child. I recently received several envelopes with nice sized checks in the mail. My own money, returned. Rejected!

    I am still waiting, hoping for the last few hundred dollars to remain out of my hands. Be’ezras Hashem.

  10. just got a second rejection letter and the third is on its way. Thanks for your chizuk but i cant agree more with #11 Hashem is definitely crying. And there is tremendous Sinas Chinam involved. Children know WAY more then you think! Its very very sad!

  11. I too just recieved a rejection from a school. The schools are in a very tough place, they are full with siblings and obligations. However, they should not give applications and definitely not interviews if they don’t plan on accepting. Secondly, please don’t address my husband as a RABBI if two sentences later you are rejecting us. It just does not look right on your letter.

  12. It is not Sinas Chinom to reject some applications, it is Sinans Chinom to arbitrarily accept others, based on….?
    We should review the first perek of Yeshaya, and quake in our uggs

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