TERRIFYING: Clock Ticking Towards Israeli Girl’s Death Sentence

[COMMUNICATED] This week, readers across the globe were blown away by video footage of Rivky Gefner, a 17-year-old Israeli girl who has been courageously battling an aggressive form of cancer.

“What feels like a lifetime ago but was only 2 weeks ago, I started having a lot of pain in my legs,” Rivky explained several days ago in her first appearance on Jewish news channels. 

“I was checked out by medical professionals, and they discovered something I never could have anticipated- That I have cancer.”

The surgeries and treatments needed to save Rivky’s life have been estimated at over a whopping $75,000, but to her parents’ utter devastation, they don’t have the resources to pay for the treatment needed to save their daughter’s life. They are living what is any parent’s worst nightmare. 

This morning, Mrs. Gefner had a heartbreaking update to share:

“Rivky’s health is getting worse and worse. She’s so young, and she’s fighting for her life with all of her courage and strength. Please, if you are reading this, open up your hearts and help our daughter. She wants to live so badly. She deserves a chance at life.”

Emergency funds are being urgently raised to save 17-year-old Rivky’s life before time runs out. With the clock ticking mercilessly, there’s only one thing in the world powerful enough to save her now– The mercy of the Jewish people. 



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