A Tent City resident was arrested yesterday after firing a BB Gun within the camp, police say. The resident, who was using the gun to fire at bottles at the camp, was a convicted felon, making it illegal for him to be in possession of the weapon.
When approached by police – who responded to the homeless camp following a complaint, the resident lied about being in possession of the weapon, but later gave it up, police said.
He was taken into custody and the weapon was confiscated, police say.
Again. Disgusting. Shut it down already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only one arrest them all.
Again and again and again and again!!!!!!
I ask AGAIN.. How many more AGAIN’S before we finally dismantle the illegal squat city???
What’s up with the County judge?? The township is in litigation with the homeless group yet the judge doesn’t allow the townshi to throw them out. Is the judge (moderated)??
I agree with all of you. Enough is enough, it’s just plain and simple…..it ain’t safe!
Its time soothing was done. This is why after more than 60 years I am Outside Lakewood.
Shut the place down already! Why is this not being done?
To TLS: Why are you only printing the negative comments
I see a lawsuit coming to anyone that messes with the camp..I am not a supporter of the camp by any means but they got a pretty good lawyer..perhaps come to an agreement with the camp and END THIS Stupid stuff already
To Wow # 9 –
Apparently no sane residents have anything positive to state in defense of so much criminal activity, which is so endemic to “squat city”.
Personally, I would like to know how much these non-tax paying squatters are costing in terms of our police/fire resources. I also want to know how much longer the REAL residents of town need to wait for a police/fire response while our limited resources are constantly being diverted to squat city!!
#10 There is a lawsuit already that was filed in Ocean County Court last year. The judge heard arguments from both sides and assigned it ti a Mediatior.
TO THE LIBERALS: who defend this Tent City….. (i ask you)
To TG. Tent City has hundred of supporters the contribute food, clothing, services and monetary donations everyday. These supporters not only include hundreds of individuals, but many churches, businesses and clubs in Lakewood and through the county. Tent City also receives support from several lawyers that offer their services at no charge and support from both the Toms River and Howell police departments
#13 You really scared all of us. A convicted felony on the loose with a BB gun. We should all go out tomorrow and buy bullet proof vests
#15 – BB guns fire at a velocity of over 400 feet per second, and will pierce skin, and can kill. They fire usually spherical but can also be pointed ammo. a few airguns can actually fire a standard 0.177 lead pellet faster than 1000 ft/s (about 680 miles per hour)
referring to a bb-gun as a toy, you might be talking about an air-soft gun that fire plastic pellets
if this issue has gone before a judge who assigned it to a mediator last year, how long can this drag on until there is some kind of solution?
Leave them be, they aint doing harm just because a guy was hitting bottles, how many bochurim try that too. . .Maybe this guy did Teshuva and is having a hard time finding a job and/or paying rent with a felony on his record. He would do the same in any housing complex he would live in. . . What does tent city have to do with anything?
I live nearby, so far they have been good shcheinim(neighbors). . .
You are all more concerned with tent city when a few articles prior there is mention of a gun being found after a brawl on MLK and a murderer who lived outside of tent city in a gang infested apartment complex. Tent city is self contained and for the most part crimes are committed against fellow residents not the general public. You people need to focus your attention on the real issues at hand which involves actual residents of the town not people living in tents.
Tent city is a good way to loose weight. Just think about tent city and you will loose your appetite.
To Wow # 14 –
Guess what. Convicted felons incarcerated in prisons also have thousands of supporters that not only include thousands of individuals, but many churches, businesses and clubs in every city in the country. They also have lawyers, with many providing services at no charge.
The important fact though is, that whatever support they receive does NOT make their illegal activities permissible And frankly, it all means diddly squat to us millions of upstanding tax-paying citizens who are sick and tired of the illegal shenanigans AND CRIMES continually taking place at squat city.
Fyi, we have support from law enforcement departments across the state too, including those which came down here to pick up their wanted felons from squat city. Many have openly expressed their surprise at this circus/squat city which would NEVER be tolerated in their towns.
Why don’t you just move squat city to Toms River or Howell, since you do claim to have their support. Is it because they really don’t want your illegal squatting and related activities either??
Oh.. and by the way, we have lawyers too.
New Jersey has one the toughest illegal possession of a gun law in the country including a three year jail sentence. This includes BB guns, paint ball guns, etc. Is that man going to jail, or is he let off the hook so we won’t offend Tent City residents. Or does he have a gun license? And then the next question is, why does he have a gun license? Who does he need to kill or defend in the camp.
Hey #1 its the town thats disgusting not them,
i love tent city, let them stay forever. land of the free, home of the brave, right?
so #23, get off of this website if thats what u think
While its understanding that many want to shut down tent city, do you realize that Ocean County has no shelter to assist the homeless.
Let’s face it, with the economy as it is most Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless. Instead of complaining about the conditions etc, someone offer a way to house the homeless in Ocean County!!!
To TG: If Tent City was so illegal the judge would have closed it down long ago.
Yes, you do have lawyers and they have agreed to mediate the Tent City issue.
Both Toms River and Howell have their own Tent Cities. The difference is that they do not have a bunch of whinners in their towns crying about it all the time.
It appears by you comments that you are saying not in my neighborhood. Then shame on you and thank God for the Constitution and the American Judical System that provides equal protection for all.
#23 and 24 2 thumbs up
#26 – “Instead of complaining about the conditions etc, someone offer a way to house the homeless”
THE “HOMELESS” HAVE BEEN HOMELESS FOR SO LONG ALREADY; YOU’D THINK THEY WOULD HAVE FOUND A PLACE TO LIVE… oh thats right; getting into the places to live requires no alcohol, drugs, weapons, etc. all of which they refuse to give up.
LIBERALS: IF YOUR SO CONCERNED ABOUT THESE HOMELESS, WHY DONT YOU TAKE THEM IN? Its easy to ‘care about’ convicted felons with guns, drunks, drug addicts, and fugitives with MY tax dollars, – but when it comes to putting YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS, you fail to act.
#26 You are so wrong It is obvious you get you information from gossip and you lump all the people that live there in the same category
Each individual at Tent City is there for a different reason. So before you pass judgement on all of them you should get the real facts and stop spreading gossip.
I say all those people who are in foreclouser find the nearest patch of woods and homestead. Test the system outside of Lakewood..you won’t be there long.
to #29 Mr. Conservative: WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Conservative-you usually have great arguments and are extremely clear-headed in your thinking on numerous subjects, but this is one issue you do not know much about.
the ones that were offered housing in a flea-bitten motel in sleazeside were eligible for certain government assistance. not everyone was offered the same opportunity. the ones that were offered the assistance took it.
THE “HOMELESS” HAVE BEEN HOMELESS FOR SO LONG ALREADY; YOU’D THINK THEY WOULD HAVE FOUND A PLACE TO LIVE… oh thats right; getting into the places to live requires no alcohol, drugs, weapons, etc. all of which they refuse to give up.
another unfair generalization. not everyone who is homeless is an alcoholic, drug addict or felon. sometimes all is takes is being late on a payment or losing your job and you end up on the streets. some are mentally impared, jobless or get paid such a pittance from their jobs that they can not afford a deposit on a place to live. do you honestly think people live out in the woods and suffer the elements just to drink their beer, do their drugs or shoot off bb guns?
LIBERALS: IF YOUR SO CONCERNED ABOUT THESE HOMELESS, WHY DONT YOU TAKE THEM IN? Its easy to ‘care about’ convicted felons with guns, drunks, drug addicts, and fugitives with MY tax dollars, – but when it comes to putting YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS, you fail to act
i am a law-abiding tax paying citizen, just like you. whatever money i makes staves off homelessness for another month or i would be living in the woods as well. i pay my tax dollars into the hands of my government, which is suppose to take care of ALL its citizens. tax payers of atlantic county saw their tax dollars spent on a homeless shelter for their citizens. why cant our county government do the same?
#30 – where did I pass judgement, I wish there was more that can be done for those forced to stay in tent city.
If anything Mr Conservative is the judgemental one and I wonder how he lays his head on his pillow at night without concern for his fellow man, really sad!!!
Good for you number 33, thank you…. Most dont understand that the supposed “hotels” are only available to those who qualify. Hotels if far from tyhe case and in addition there are none of those available now until at least November as we are a beach area….Not gossip I know first hand and have taken many a person to the Board office only to be told they have no room available.
Also does anyone realize that our hospitals are now discharging people to tent city, dont blame the people that live there even Monmouth County is discharging to there, this is not gossip people it is a fact!!!!
Wow I lived in Lakewood for 30 years finally escaped 21 years ago it was a nice place growing up but I could see it heading down hill in the late 1980s and got out this tent city needs to go and not allowed to have a BB gun without a permit I moved to P.A. in the mountains where you be free not have to deal with tent city people who dont want to work and better themself would rather steal and whine oh and here in P.A. you carry a loaded gun anywhere you go and we dont have as much crime here because of it anybody reading this that khows me khows how I think tent city should be dealt with
Sorry # 26 Concerned. My comment was meant for Mr Concervative