[UPDATED SUNDAY: LIST OF SHIURIM AROUND LAKEWOOD] A new Mesechta – a new opportunity. Tomorrow, tens of thousands of Yidden around the globe will complete Mesechta Shabbos – and begin the third Mesechta of the 13th cycle of Daf Hayomi, Mesechta Eruvin.
Attached, is an updated list of the many Daf Yomi Shiurim around town, held at various times of the morning and evening.
If you’d like have your Daf Yomi Shiur added to the list, or updated, please call 732-660-8233, or send us an email to [email protected].
Its not to late to begin the cycle.I only feel bad I started right after succos and missed the first three perakim of shabbos.I was able for the first time in my life to cover over 100 blatt in this meseches.(a working baal habus) It is my third cycle trying and this time its finally working.
I didnt realize how easy it would be with Kol Haloshon available.There are at least 8 phenomenal daf yomi shiurim to pick from daily.You can listen on your cell,in your car or at your computer.1-718-906-6400 and follow the prompts. I know that its not the same as a three hour seder but the kvius and feeling of accomplishing is tremendous.
NOTE CORRECTION: Cong. Sanz-Klausenberg R’ Shmuel Schwartz 754 River ave. (across Sunnoco gas station) Street 9:00 pm
Can you recommend a specific magiid shiur on kol halashon that you recommend?
There’s a Dr. I heard on kol haloshon that I really liked
HI ST SHUL by Sruli Bornstein – Mon-Fri 6:15am, Shabbos after davening, Sunday 9:30am (except this week: 10:30am because of later start at school/carpool).
HI St Shiur by Sruli Bornstein is at the Shul in the development ( 27 Grassmerre).
A Shiur that’s enjoyable, comprehensive, and get you awake in the morning.
Agreed!!! Reb Sruli, thanks for the dedication and hours of preparation…
“Started The Daf…”
What about mentioning The weekly Yapza and Beer at the Thursday night Shiur??!?!
For those intrested in listiening to Kol Halashon I would recommend R’ Moshe Meir Weiss in english or R’ Shmuel Dovid Friedmen in yiddish.There is also a wonderfull web site daf hachaim.org from R’ Schwartzberg where you can see the shiur or get a ge a quick review or preview it is truly amazing.
Yapza you are correct!! There is a Daf party on many Thursday nights instead of the Friday morning Shiur…
You’d get that as one of the updates on the whatsapp group.
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”-Peter F. Drucker
You can do it too!!
As with all commitments, set up supporting mechanisms.
-Attend a Daf Shiur daily that keeps you engaged.
-If you must miss shiur a day, don’t fall too far behind. Don’t let a shabbos go by without making it up.
-If traveling, consider calling in, getting the recorded Shiur, etc.
“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”-Unknown
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”-Unknown
The point is, if you want it, ‘owning the Daf’ is yours to loose.
Looks like the Hi St Daf is more than just a Daf, what time is shachris there after the 6:10am Daf?
HI ST – B’M Forest Glenn – Daf by Sruli Bornstein.
Sunday – 8am, Daf 9:30am
M-F – Daf 6:15am, Shachris 7:10am/Barchu 7:25am.
to curious:
i would suggest reb dovid grossman on kol haloshon punch # 8 (if you are a former kollel yungerman and want a real “yeshiveshe” shiur.)
If you have an iphone, I find the best is to use the podcast feature and download the ou daf podcast. It’s given by either rabbi elegant or rabbi gross man. Both amazing. I like the podcast feature because it downloads automatically and doesn’t. Need an Internet connection once its downloaded. Also, it knows where you left off. You can also see which ones you’ve listened too and which ones you havnt.
For tayras hadaf I use the portal hadaf yomi app. Somehow this free Hebrew app got hold of the Vagshal shas and It’s very sharp and super readable on the iphone. The app also has shiur options built in, but for audio I podcasts easier especially since menu for this app is in Hebrew.