Television Found In Yellow Recycle Bins

recycling instructions“What in the world are people thinking!” Department of Public Works Director John Franklin told TLS today, after he noticed a Television sticking out of one of the new yellow recycle bins. “I mean, it says clearly on top of the bin what is allowed and not allowed in the bins” he said. Other residents have contacted TLS as well after the DPW refused to accept their recyclables after noticing a pizza box inside. “They just won’t accept them” said Franklin. At this time, most Lakewood residents should have received their single-stream recycle bins.

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  1. Who’s bright idea was it to put the sticker on top of the can? My can is only a week old and you can’t read it anymore.

  2. Don’t know how these save money. They hired more inspectors to give ticket. My whole neigborhood is getting tickets
    I think il stop recycling

  3. well if you cant recycle them then they are garbage….if your can dont work then call the man ( John Franklin or Tony Arechidervi )

  4. I think they used recycled materials for my yellow can- it has 2 different wheels.

    So the question remains- where do we put pizza boxes?

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