TEHILLIM: Rabbi Chaim Abadi of Minyan Shelanu in Need of Rachmei Shomayim

TEHILLIM: The Tzibur is asked to be Mispallel for Rabbi Chaim Abadi of Minyan Shelanu, who “is in real need of a Refuah Sheleima. It is a serious situation.”

‎חיים ישראל בן חייה ריזא

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  1. https://tehillim-online.com/lectureContinue?code=b6936374acf09382299229fd42fd68bb

    Tehillim Link to the joint Tehillim read and share:

    Share the link via Email, twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook.

    Everyone could read as many chapters as they wish.
    This way, a number of Tehillim books could be completed in a short time and with the participation of others, for the Refuah of Harav Chaim Abadi Shlita

  2. Please, PLEASE daven whatever you can. The way R’ Chaim is Metapel with our holy souls at risk in our town is unparalleled. And he’s living in incredible Yessurim every day for years already.
    The Dor needs him more than you can ever imagine.
    Tizku L’Mitzvos.
    May R’ Chaim Yisroel ben Chaya Rizsha have a Refuah Sh’laima Bim’Hairah. And may we only hear B’suros Tovos.

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