TEHILLIM: TLS has been asked to post that the condition for R’ Avrohom Yisroel Yehoshua Ben Chaya Leah has deteriorated and Tehillim is needed. Click here to view Tehillim, and Click here for a letter sent to by R’ Avrohom to TLS back in March. In the letter, R’ Avrohom encourages all to make Shalom as a Zchus for his recovery.
R Avrohom has been ill for several years, but was recently taken to the Hospital when his condition deteriorated.
I did 1 – 5. Thanks tls for putting up the tehillim, it makes it so easy
Please be mispallel for r avi. A special yid.
rabbosai lets contiue and try to finish tehilim
i will bli neder do 5-10
I’ll do11-15
i ll do 16 – 20
20-25 for Avi; he is someone who never fails to do a chesed for another, it’s the least I can do for him
i’ll say 26-30 bl”n
Have known him for years. A special yid, who is always b’simcha, a ba’al chesed, and this is just miktzas sh’vacho. Refuah shleima b’soch shor cholei yisroel.
I did 120-150
He is such a great person with such a positive attitude. Alfalfa may you get better soon and keep that positive attitude with you always. You are truly an inspiration to others 🙂
You are an inspiration to all…you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I’ll do 26-30.