The Jewish world was hit with the unfathomable news on Motzei Shabbos after a fire ripped through a Flatbush home, killing seven children, and leaving the mother and daughter clinging to life.
The father was reportedly away for Shabbos at a conference at the time. When he was notified of the horrific news, he reportedly collapsed.
See more on the horrific incident on YWN.
Please take a moment to be Mispallel for Gila bas Tziporah and Tziporah bas Gila.
I will say tehillim 1-10
The daughter just passed away BD’E I can’t fathom the pain. I don’t think I would be able to handle it. May hashem give him the sanity to continue in this world.
From inside information that I have the smoke detectors weren’t working..
The daughter will iyh pull through. She is alive and conscious please do not spread bad rumors!!
The daughter is alive please don’t spread such rumors without verifying your information.
Please please we live in a belief that bad things aren’t going to happen yet a family was killed due to no smoke detectors they cost nothing in comparison to what could happen reach out to your Fire Department see what you can learn to make your home your community a safer place. The tears I have cried. The pain in my heart for this family
That was a false report. The daughter is alive.
the daughter is alive and gonna be ok, where did u hear ur false info?!?!?!?
Jog a thon are you sure? I heard she’s gonna be ok…
We can be mechazek in shmiras shabbos.
Just a suggestion.
This is horrendous news. Hashem yerachem.
Daughter did not pass away b”h. She is conscious
TO such a horrific tragedy befalling upon klal yisroel.
isn’t it time we finally confess & admit to Hashem that Hashem is right & runs the world & its time we finally woke up & did teshuva as a nation?
The choice is %100 in our hands we can do teshuva or watch things happen more C”V….
May all their neshamos have an aliya. I cannot imagine the pain of such a tragic loss my cheeks are rolling in tears as I cry over my own brothers deaths
DD – Why are we busy with whose at fault??!! The Ribono Shel Olam is waking us up lets do teshuva tosether!!
Ease pray for Tzippora bat Gilah and Gilah bat Tzippora Frances
Maybe delete second comment?
tehilim name is different on YWN. is it golda or avigail?
The names are wrong… It’s gila not avigail
Jog a thon
It is amazing how some people, in their perverse desire to get a scoop, to be the first one to tell everyone bad news and show how much they know, will post a comment based totally on a rumor, without first verifying it. You owe an apology to every reader who felt the pain and sadness your comment caused, even if it was only for a few minutes.
Maybe we can go to the levaya en masse and hopefully that would be a chizuk to the family. If 25000 or 50000 people show up that would a tremendous nosei oil. maybe busses can be arranged from different areas around the metro area. Maybe we can all try to make it in to be menachem aveil. Im so heartbroken from this. It hurts so much
I agree. Delete 2d post. For 2 reasons: A – his comment is false. The child is alive and still needs our tefilos; B – he used my sign-in name. Stam a Chutzpah. .
When a tragedy like this strikes the world everyone is asking what is the message from Hashem?. The RAMCHAL in Sefer Derech Hashem quotes, when klal yisroel is in a state of Sinning R”L, suffering & pain may be imposed upon a tzaddik or sinless Children as an atonement for his entire generation.
On March 11 2011, Friday night of Parshas Vayikra. a horrific tragedy hit klal yisroel. The entire vogel family-parents & 3 children-were killed in a home terrorist attack during the night. Exactly 4 years later on Friday night of Parshas Vayikra March 20 2015, the Sasoon family of Flatbush was hit by a major Shabbos fire while the family was asleep killing 7 young children. (between the ages of 5 & 16) What is the message from Hashem? Both tragedies-above-occured on the parsha of Korbanos (sacrifices). When we don’t serve Hashem as we should & do teshuva, then innocent sinless children or Righteous people are taken from us as a replacement for the sins that we need to do teshuva on.
may mashiach come very soon
I am not blaming anyone. I am making a point. Make sure you have working detectors.
One little girl was yelling help me mommy! Help me mommy! Heartbreaking scene for anyone to witness.
levaya at shomrei hadas
14 ave & 39 st boro park.
vchol bais yisroel yivku es hasreifo asher soraf hashem.
People really need to stop with the insensitive comments about how people need to do teshuva etc…. When you say things like that, you make it sound like this family or children somehow deserved to die like this. Its just as bad as these people who say the people in the holocaust deserved to die and that they were sinners. Just shut up and console this family. Nobody here is God so nobody here knows why things happen.
I”l do 30-39…
tragedies happen BECAUSE of us… for us to learn from and take action! Kol hakavod to the person hu is sponsoring the smoke detectors….
I wanted to ask if there is a fund or some other way that I may be able to help the family that is still here and honor those who have passed. I am not orthodox. I’ve been living here in Lakewood for more then 10 years helping my neighbors when I can and I’ve tired to educate myself so I do not hurt or offend my neighbors because they are so nice to me. But I do not know much about helping families during their time of grief. I know that there is a 2 week more or less of a grieving period where the family is not to be bothered and supported any way they can and that the family is supposed to be buried within 24 hours of passing.
what does the surviving family need? I know the mother and daughter are in the hospital is there anything I can do for them? If anyone knows of a way I can help please let me know and if this was not the proper place to post this or if I have offended by asking these questions I am sorry ahead of time and if you can pass my prayers onto the family for me I would greatly appreciate it.
this tragedy was a decision made by the Ribono Shel Olam and not caused by the absence of smoke alarms. nevertheless, ushmartem ess nafshoseichem means that we are obligated to make our homes as safe as possible.
To #32 – what a kind thing to say. I feel the same way. I’m heartbroken over this. I think about my children and their children. There’s no difference. We are all the same. Living in Lakewood brings this closer to home. Hope I never see this again. Bless this family.
bd”e keep up the tehillim 40-49