TRAGIC UPDATE: We regret to report the tragic Petirah of Reb Baruch Ber Ziemba Z”L, who was Niftar following a tragic incident today while vacationing in the Poconos.
Reb Baruch Ber Z”L, approximately 40, was a Rosh Chaburah, and a Rosh Kollel in Ocean Pointe’s night Kollel in Lakewood. He is a son of Mrs. Sarah Ziemba, principal of the Bais Yaakov of 18th Avenue in Boro Park, and a son in law of Rav Moshe Shimon Luria, Rav of Ohr Yechezkel in Lakewood.
He leaves behind his wife and seven Yesomim.
Misaskim is working with authorities to ensure Kavod Hameis.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 10:30 PM tonight at the BMG Yoshon Building.
Call-in number: 857-347-0100 – 125005#
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Note: The above was published only once all family members were notified.
Original Report:
A Lakewood father of seven is missing in the Poconos after going into a lake to save his child.
The incident happened this afternoon while the family was vacationing in the Bushkill area.
Local rescue teams are on scene, and Hatzolah members from other areas are heading as well.
Name for tehillim?
Name for tehillim ?
Any name?
ברוך דוב בן שרה
What is the name for tehilim?
name is baruch dov ben sarah
Baruch Dov Ben Sara
baruch dov Ben sara
Baruch Dov ben Sarah
ברוך דוב בן שרה
Boruch Dov ben Sara
Baruch Dov Ben Sarah
baruch dov ben sarah
boruch dov ben sarah
Hashem please find him
He was pulled and in need of Rachmei Shomayim.
Please STOP and daven!!
Hashem please send him back healthy and well!
UPDATE: BD”E the the father was found, Hatzolah put all there efforts into saving the fathers life. unfortunately the father has passed.
Are people needed to help with the search? Whom would one contact if there is a need?
Please post if there is a live hookup
It’s so strange that R’ Dovid Zalman Traube ZT’L from Monsey, was niftar 5 years ago at this same time, under the same circumstances.
Hashem yeracheim!!
I still remember as a 5th grader I almost drowned in the Delaware River. There was a bachur who drowned a few years later. I also remember there was a story that there was a family of six and only four came back ashore.
Please stay away from the Delaware River it’s a big big sakana
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
I think it’s important to spread the word:
If you speak with someone who lives in Teveria. They can tell you that swimming in the Kinneret in the afternoon is dangerous because of a strange current in the water.
During the morning hours in the Kinneret, the water is calm.
If you have family in Eretz Yisroel please let them know.
Hashem should help the Ziemba family with everything that they could possibly need.
Any live Levaya link? Bde.
If anyone has any link or anyway to watch or listen in please let us know
Levaya will take place in BMG Yoshon at 10:30 tonight.
Signs in Yeshiva indicate that the Levaya is the Yoshon building at 10:30. No Kohanim allowed in the building.
Is it possible they changed the levaya to being in Yeshiva?
Levaya is tonight in Yoshon at 10:30 per signs telling Kohanim not to enter the building.
what is the kids school??
Chein Bais Yaakov (Reb. Ziemba, principal) and Talmud Torah of Lakewood
You think it’s okay to post this on a public website?
Sad to hear about this. Life is precious. May this gentleman rest in peace.