TEHILLIM: Jackson Ramming Attack Victim Being Rushed into Surgery; Moshe Yigal ben Brunyah

Moshe Yigal ben Brunyah, the Jackson resident who was run over near his home is being rushed back into surgery this morning, the family tells TLS.

Moshe Yigal already underwent hours of surgeries for severe injuries, but today developed an infection from one of the surgeries. He is expected to be brought in for surgery within the hour.

Moshe Yigal was one of the multiple victims in Dion Marsh’s crime spree in Lakewood and Jackson which left multiple people injured. He is facing life in prison for the anti-Semitic attacks.

Please be Mispallel for Moshe Yigal ben Brunyah. You can join in online Tehillim here.

UPDATE: The surgery was BH successful.

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