Tefillin Awareness Project: Hanacha K’Halacha visits Lakewood’s Pine River Village

Members of the Pine River Village community and nearby developments had the special opportunity of having a multitude of Tefillin issues inspected and corrected free of charge.

With the participation and enthusiasm of Rav Yitzchok Dwek, a renowned Rov and talmid chochom, the Sofrim adjusted Kesharim, blackened and changed Retzuos as well as explained to the participants many other issues that needed correction.

Rabbi Mendy Rosenberg sponsored the program lezecher nishmas his father’s Yahrzeit that day. Rav Moshe Leib Lebowitz, one of the Sofrim on hand, told him, “usually people make a lechayim and gives a bracha l’ilui nishmas the Niftar. However today, due to the incredible Tefillin program, the brachos that some will be saying on their Tefillin on an almost daily basis, will be an everlasting tikun for the neshama, since their brochos will now not be levatala.” What greater zechus for the Niftar.

Last week, the program went to 4 locations in Florida. Kollel Boker of Hollywood, Yeshiva Toras Emes, Young Israel of Hollywood/Fort Lauderdale and Yeshiva Toras Chaim.

On Sunday, May 28th, the program goes to the 7th and 8th graders of Yeshiva Toras Aron, the Hanhalla and its Rabbeim. The bochurim are eagerly waiting with great anticipation.

To learn more about this unusual program – before the summer break, email [email protected] or call 718-377-6735. Limited June dates are available.

[TLS – Press Release]

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