Teens: Get Your New License Plate Decals On Monday, For $4

teen decalKyleigh’s Law decals for new drivers will go on sale starting Monday at all state Motor Vehicle Commission offices. A new law requiring holders of a Graduated Driver License, primarily teenagers, to display detachable decals on their front and rear license plates or face a $100 ticket will take effect May 1. It will cost $4 for a pair of decals. For those with multiple vehicles, orĀ perhaps concerned about chronically misplacing or losing the decals, there will be no limits on how many may be purchased by motorists, MVC spokesman John Santana said Tuesday.

The decal law is aimed at helping police enforce passenger restrictions, driving curfews and other limits placed on motorists with a special learner’s permit, examination permit or provisional drivers license.

It is named after Kyleigh D’Alessio, a 16-year-old West Morris Central High School student killed in a 2006 car crash in Washington Township in which another teen was driving.

Her mother, Donna Weeks, lobbied for the law and appeared in Superior Court in Morristown last month when a judge, following a hearing, dismissed a lawsuit seeking to overturn Kyleigh’s Law.

The law has generated criticism from those arguing that it could result in teenagers being unfairly targeted by police or perhaps even stalked by predators. Supporters counter that the concerns are unfounded and that enhanced enforcement of GDL restrictions will save lives.

Even without the decals, teen driving safety in New Jersey has been improving. An new AAA Foundation for Safety study found that fatal crashes involving 17-year-olds decreased by 32 percent in the four years following the adoption of the GDL law in 2001. APP

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  1. What a great way for unscrupulous people to identify young drivers! For $4 – we should put them on EVERY car and drive the fine-trolling cops nuts!

  2. The legislature shouldn’t be allowed to pass laws with peoples names on them, especially if its to memorialize someone who died. All that does is make it so any representative who wants to vote against the proposed law, commit political suicide. No one wants to be the jerk who voted against a law meant to memorialize a young girl who died tragically. So we end up with (however well intentioned) a poorly thought out law with by many accounts more negatives then positives. If no name were attached to it then maybe it could have been tabled for a revision based on more input; but with Kyleighs name on it, it couldn’t be revised and it can’t be repealed.

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