Thirsty teens, beware: that store clerk selling you beer may actually be a cop. Across New Jersey, police officers will be participating in the “Cops In Shops” undercover program in which they pose as store clerks or wait just outside liquor stores to arrest people under the age of 21 who purchase alcohol. Since it started in 1996, the program has arrested more than 8,000 underage people as well as adults helping them buy alcohol. This summer, 31 Jersey shore police departments are participating. AP
Teens Beware: Store Clerk Selling You Beer May Actually Be A Cop

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Isn’t the store clerk supposed to ID the buyer? If so, how can they arrest a teen for buying? The clerk should be arrested for not carding the teen.
To # 1 – Underage drinking is just as illegal as selling alcohol to a minor
The kid wouldn’t drinkt if the cop/clerk would card him. Don’t break the law to enforce it.
I also think that giving drinks out at a wedding with an open bar to minors is totally inappropriate. Even though the bartenders may card the teens, the teens get drinks from other adults. They can do that at a liquor store too.
Its illegal to sell not to buy!!
its also illegal for minors to smoke . why arent they crackin down on that too?
If you are under the age of 21 in the state of NJ you can should not buy or consume any alcoholic beverages..however sometimes kids get other people that use them for the money to buy them alcohol. This is also illegal..and if they are found they should be prosecuted as well..
What kind of standards did the parents of these teens that are buying the alcohol teach them? Oh thats right, standards are options today.