A Bachur riding his bike was struck by a vehicle on Route 9 this morning, and officials are crediting his helmet for saving his life.
Preliminary reports indicate the driver had a green light when he struck the 15-year-old boy crossing over Route 9, police say.
The impact reportedly sent the boy into the air, landing on the windshield, and split his bike in half.
“There’s no question the helmet saved his life,” an official told TLS. “He would have been in critical condition.”
Police say the boy was transported to Jersey Shore University Medical Center with non life-threatening injuries.
Any witnesses are asked to contact Officer David Silberstein at 732-363-0200 ex 5387.
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Baruch Hashem!
B H the diver didn’t run off
so the bochur crossed against the light, on his bike?
doesn’t anyone teach their kids to 1. only cross with the light, and
2. walk their bike across the street instead of riding it?
i don’t think this child deserved to be hit, but maybe it will serve as a wake up call for other parents to talk to their kids about safety.