Cedearbridge Avenue got another traffic light. The light was installed on Friday at the intersection of Shenandoah Drive.
The light services the residents of the new Cedarbridge Avenue development complex ‘Woods’, and the nearby supermarket.
The light is expected to go live in the next few days.
Who paid for it??
Would’ve made alot more sense to put one up by avenue of the states. It is impossible to make a left turn onto Cedarbridge over there.
silly: they have a light at ave of the states !!!!!! but its on pine street doing nothing for the past 5 years,,,, lol
The County is supposed to put one at that intersection as well. Cedarbridge Ave & Ave of the States. A Traffic light at Every Intersection I say..get from A to B in 50 min or more
How about the intersection of Vine St and Cedar Bridge. A disaster waiting to happen! Between the strip mall, 160 apartments at Washington Square, and new housing being constructed on the dirt side of Vine Street. Wait till that project gets finished.
When they built the fire station on Cedarbridge Ave they offered to pay for a traffic light so the fire trucks could get out and the County said NO.
What changed? The builder must know someone.
Why not put a stop sign like they did all over the grid instead of lights..lol
Oh great so now it will take an hour to drive thru there li the rest of lakewood. Cederbridge was always a fast road getting thru that side of town. No good can last for to long!