Sweeney Praises Minimum Wage Initiative in California; Touts New Jersey’s $15 Statewide Minimum Wage Plan

sweeney tlsSenate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today congratulating California Gov. Jerry Brown on signing the nation’s first statewide $15 minimum wage law and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for signing a bill that will bring a $15 minimum wage to New York City and its suburbs:

“I congratulate California Governor Brown today for enacting the first statewide $15 minimum wage law in the country and New York Governor Cuomo for signing legislation to bring a $15 minimum wage to New York City and its suburbs and a $12.50 minimum elsewhere in New York State.

“This spring, the New Jersey Legislature will approve a bill providing a $15 statewide minimum wage. It will put New Jersey into the forefront with a minimum standard of compensation that will better serve the financial needs of low-income workers. If the governor follows through on his threat to veto the bill, we will put the proposal on the ballot for voter approval as a constitutional amendment. He will have the opportunity to do what is best for workers and the economy, but we won’t allow his opposition to stop us. This is an issue of financial fairness and greater economic equality.

“There is a nationwide movement to ensure that all workers are given a living wage to support themselves and their families and to try to close the gap of income inequality that has grown worse in recent years. New Jersey will play a leadership role but these are not political victories, they are steps of economic progress for working people.”


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  1. If you make it revenue neutral for businesses owners that would be totally fair. If you raise the minimum wage, more workers are earning over the max limit for food stamps and medicad. You should then be able to lower taxes since there are less government expenditures.

    That would be a fairer system. For some reason I suspect the liberals will just raise the income threshholds for government programs. And they will surely never reduce spending.

    What a shame that such a simple and fair proposal is out there yet it will never work.

  2. Why are democrats so dumb? This is the greatest job killer. If labor costs go up what do you think is gonna happen? Corporations will cut jobs or cut hrs. So who loses out at the end? Low income workers. To create jobs & help low income workers you need to lower minimum wage to enable corporations to hire more. Then you educate these workers & show them how to increase their value to these companies to EARN more wages. Common sense. Unfortunately democrats don’t have any.

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