Suspicious Device Evacuates Children’s Day Care, Shopping Mall

PHOTOS & VIDEO: [UPDATED 2:35PM] A strip mall with a children’s day care center on Chambers Bridge Road were evacuated moments ago after a device which appeared to be an explosive, was found in the rear of the building.

The Police, Fire Department, EMS and First Aid are staging at the scene awaiting for the arrival of the Bomb Squad.

We will keep you updated on this developing story.

UPDATE: 1:45 PM. The device turned out to be a firecracker-type of device. The area has been re-opened.

(This story – with a photo – was first reported on our News Alerts).

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  1. Hopefully this is nothing, much like the suits, hat boxes and other suitcases left around town. I am guessing this is an ipod with a pair of headphones

  2. at #10..typical no-nothing. hmmm, a waste of tax dollars when someone finds what appears to be an explosive device, and there are small children in the building right next to it. but, if the police disregard the object and it blows up, you would be criticizing them for not doing anything. do us all a favor and go away.

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