Surviving Purim: A Dieters Guide to Making it Through Purim Without Blowing Your Diet; Drinking Tips

By Ezi Levi. Whether you are new to dieting or a life long dieter we all face that same challenge – staying on course during Purim. You know how it goes, the shalach manos are pouring in with all those goodies of cakes, cookies , nosh, soda (and OK the occasional “healthy one” as well). Then, running around the whole day; from Rebbeim’s houses, teachers, Rabonim, and of course, your regular shalach manos list all while trying to get through the horrible traffic and you have absolutely no time to think about eating. Until, that is, you all of sudden realize that you are starving! And of course, you head right for the nosh to just get something in your system.

As I have stated before, although weight loss doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck, it does take commitment, and on Purim that commitment is just putting in to place a plan of what, when and where so that u can get through the day and feel good about it.

So here are a couple of tips on eating and drinking to help you along. 


A)what will I eat.
B) what times will I eat.
C) prepare some healthy snacks to keep in the car or put out in the open so that you reach for the Healthy snack instead of the junk.


This is a challenge all the time even more so when running around. Set  a goal of 6 cups of water (not wine!) from the morning until the Purim seuda.


Ok, you are at your kid’s Rebbi’s house and the table is full with kugel, cake, franks and blanks and all sorts of candy and nosh and maybe you didn’t follow your plan so that now you are hungry.
What do you do?
Pick the healthiest choice that you can, given the circumstances.
And get back to your plan!!


Now, I am not here to give a mussar shmuez or tell you if you should or should not drink. But , if you are going to drink, especially if you never have before or if you don’t know how to guide your son about drinking, here are some tips that may be helpful.


It takes the body time from when you have your first  drink until the alcohol starts kicking in so space your drinks about 20 – 30 minutes apart.


Studies show that if you drink a cup of water for each cup of wine then you reduce the chances of a hangover significantly (staying away from sugar and white flour also helps).


There is no reason to get so plastered that you call face down in someone’s tort bowl, if your high and you get to a point where you look at the alcohol and say- “if I take another sip ill puke all over the place” then maybe it’s time to stop.


As Much as you may want to drink if you are in a situation where you are the only adult around, you may want to say – maybe I shouldn’t or at least arrange for someone to be available in case something happens.

Ah freilichen Purim and enjoy!

Ezi Levi is a certified health and diet coach and is the director of the Men’s  Weight Loss Center. The center works with men and teenage boys who are committed to losing weight in a safe and natural way by learning how to make healthier choices in their primary and secondary foods.

To find out more or to schedule a free, no obligation health consultation please call 917 217 6163 or Email Ezi at [email protected]

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  1. Awesome points!! Question, what about if your drinking Shnapps (Bourbon to be exact) Any points how to avoid the hangover? Does water help as well?

  2. Actually bourbon is very hard on the stomach so there is no fool proof way to not have it affect your stomach But the key is drinking a lot of water before during and after that should at least keep the headache away and have you feeling more back to normal at a quicker pace

  3. Now this is for real: Someone told me many years ago that drinking milk before you binge will coat your stomach and might prevent a hangover. nevr tried it myself.. Anyway This might pose a problem on Purim since many families eat fleishigs for the AM Seudo.

    Tomato juice and vodka is therapeutic for a hangover

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