As earlier reported, the New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA) was contracted to find a new school Superintendent, and are asking for the community’s input. Lakewood has about 22,000 children in K-12 private schools, compared with about 5,000 regular public school students.
The intelligence, priorities and ability to bring people together of the new superintendent will be important in fixing the district, solving tuition problems, bringing access to education, and bringing in state funding to lessen the financial burden on residents.
The NJSBA released a survey today in hopes of gathering input from the community.
You Can find the NJSBA survey here:
You can also download a copy of the survey here.
this intersting arent we paying them to find someone we are paying them to get us what we need.
was this survey is set up by the boe members?
well after the APP investigative report the BOE will have alot more to worry about than choosing a new superintendant , finally the light of day is going to shine on the nonsense that has plagued this school system
I see you believe everything you read, you are quite gullible. The media loves people like you, that’s how they make a living. Hope you read all the tabloids while waiting in line @ Shoprite.
The articles in the media paint an accurate picture. Unfortunately, the conditions are much worse than what was probably allowed to be printed!
The new superintendant does not necessarily need to be someone with a background in education, rather someone who has been succesful managing large projects and can get things done. In NYC Mike Bloomberg had Joel Klein become the schools chancellor even though he did not have a background in education.
I think first we should have board members that are well educated and bussines people
#3 are you serious? are you saying this BOE has been run with dignity and professionaly. The videos speak volunes !!!!!!!! . just wait you have ot seen anything yet , the truth is finally being exposed and now maybe something will change for the better . I think you are maybe feeling a little nervous about what is being exposed to those outside of this town and are feeling the heat ~ DENIAL NEVER WORKS .
The Lakewood Board of Education needs to be concerned about educating children & working with parents & teachers. Retaining advance placement courses in the high school should be a given.
The highest expectation of school children, teachers, board members, & superintendent is vital.
choosing a superintendent that is a business oriented person and not an educator would be a mistake. our children are not a product on an assembly line.
Fourteen years ago, I said the school system needed to be taken over by the State. Overspending budget, not filing tax returns and incurring hundreds of thousands in penalties, poor student performance, paying $90K for special education per student, the highest expenditure per student in the public schools, shortage of supplies and books, inability to keep employees and administrators, outrageous pay-off deals for administrators, unaffordable Courtesy Bussing, etc. The Board of Ed has failed to do it’s job miserably. The APP expose may finally offer some help for the kids. As the article said, “They are being Cheated.”
to # 5 look at the schools in ny they are a mess that is the p.s. wake up
I think when the community is being ask for imput it does not mean one group,it means the whole town. They will be hired for public school policy first,this person needs a good degree in education,not a few years in a class room.