The accident occurred Friday afternoon at the intersection of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire.
Surveillance Video: Who was at Fault?

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The tesla, Clearly he went through the red. The Nissan turning needs to clear the middle.
The Tesla is going through the red
The township!
This is the 100th accident at this intersection…
Typical knee jerk reaction statement without knowing ALL of the facts. Township fault? No fault of drivers who are perhaps texting while driving?
Tesla went through the red
couldn’t agree more with all the above comments
Tesla, you can see clearly at the nine second mark that he is not in the intersection prior to the white turning red.
A roundabout would solve crashes like this.
We need people to tell this to the township and the county or they will not want to make one.
If you want to see it happen, give them a call and make it clear that the current design is dangerous and outdated.
it’s actually the 1,000 accident. i believe the easy fix-albeit not so convenient-is to have a green arrow and then the arrow turns red!! and no one is turning anymore. no one is turning while the light is yellow and the opposing cars are also trying to beat the yellow. this accident wouldn’t have happened. this is the system set up by rt 9 and county line/kennedy. green arrow allows maybe 10 cars to turn and then the arrow is red and no one is trying to beat the yellow while oncoming traffic is rolling. let me kniow why this wont work and stop accidents??
very good idea
thank you
Dave the rave i agree with you 100 percent arrows should be on all traffic lights it gives people the opportunity to turn safely without having to worry if they are in a Russian roulette game trying to turn.
To me I would say both drivers are at fault. The driver making the left wasnt even in the frame when the light turned yellow meaning they could have stopped and waited for the next light. The Tesla driver could have stopped as well considering the driver in the white car stopped for the yellow light and they clearing went through the yellow and at the intersection when it turned red. As I recall yellow lights last 1 second for every 10 mph speed limit so if the speed limit is 50 mph the yellow light is 5 seconds long, more than enough time for both drivers to stop and wait for the next light. So to save maybe 2 minutes of time waiting for the light it now will cost both drivers at least $500 to cover there deductable and who know how many hours of there time dealing with the insurance company, body shops, rental car place and the police. Think about that to save 2 minutes.
Tesla at fault, NJ law is that you must stop on yellow/amber as white car did unless going 20 mph within 50 feet when light changes to yellow/amber which Tesla wasn’t.
? for the consultant. Is driving through a yellow light in New Jersey the same as running a red light?
Elon musk
The green punchbuggy….
Patience would solve this issue…ps no such law exists about speed and distance at an amber; you probably work for one of the driving schools in town that teach “rolling stops” at stop signs too
NJ 39:4-105
Must stop completely at stop signs and when turning on red too.
Rolling stops happen anyway. The posted stop signs are just mere suggestions.