SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: This Could Have Ended in Tragedy

A frightening incident in Lakewood today could have ended in tragedy – and it was all caught on camera.

Surveillance video shows a school bus with its flashing yellow lights on as it slowed down to drop off a young student. But when the bus stops and puts on its red lights, a car can be seen driving around the bus – passing the door of the school bus. The child can be seen exiting the bus seconds later.

The frightening incident comes just weeks after a child was struck by a vehicle passing a school bus dropping off a child in the Coventry Square development. The child, who was thrown by the vehicle, miraculously survived the accident.

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  1. I was driving behind a school bus today, and the driver stopped without flashing his lights. After he stopped, he put on his red lights and dropped off a child. Further down the street it happened again. Bus drivers seem to think they are above the law. They can also be part of the danger sometimes, and should be more cautious and courteous on the road.

  2. In this particular case he went around the second it stopped, so I don’t think there was real danger. Nonetheless… it was terrible and the driver should lose his license. There should be no tolerance for that. It flashes yellow and then red so you can be ready to stop. I hope they can get the plate from this video and give a massive ticket. I hope everyone realizes these days there are so many cameras you are likely to be seen and recorded… and things like this will be posted and tracked! If you are not smart enough to take the safety of our kids serious enough for its own sake…. at least know you will be caught and there will be consenquences. Hopefully enough times WITHOUT incident like here… so there never is an incident!

  3. Just like a yellow light means slow down to stop, so do the yellow lights on a school bus. they do not mean speed up before they turn red. School buses should have dash cams to video drivers like these so they can be caught and fined.

  4. Blocking the road is NOT legal in NY either, but it’s done.

    Fines don’t swing it anymore.

    When drivers get sentenced to a mandatory 10 days in jail, this irresponsible practice will come to a screeching halt.

    NO mercy. Not with the safety and wellbeing of our most precious assets.

    We all know of “a story”.

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