Surveillance Video: Driver Blows Past School Bus With Lights On in Lakewood

Surveillance video provided to TLS today captures the moment a vehicle blows right past the flashing lights and stop arm of a school bus in Lakewood.

The incident happened on County Line Road.

A license plate of the vehicle has been obtained, and police are being notified.

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  1. Hey let’s judge them favorably, maybe the driver was in their phone and didn’t notice the flashing lights. Happens to me all the time

  2. Is this a surprise for anyone anymore? I think we should start posting dashcam footage of someone stopping for a school bus. That hardly ever happens!

  3. I think it’s disgusting how people drive in Lakewood. They ride down the middle of the road and then cut in front of you on the right so they don’t have to wait in line they make a legal left turns in front of a whole line of cars it’s just do whatever the heck you want and you know what it’s going to end in somebody dying and it does everyday you people need to get a grip get off the flipping phones and

  4. Hopefully LPD investigations will check more camera’s down the road – down the vehicles path thus get a good glimpse of the driver and get that driver off the road for about 6 months and teach him or her a good lesson.
    Passing the school bus was just the tip of the iceberg, I’m sure that driver was on the cell phone & speeding as well.
    It’s interesting to see how baheima’s say: “ don’t be a moiser and allow more children to get killed”.

  5. I see this all the time everyone has to follow the laws but there are some people who don’t care to follow It’s just too much traffic and so many accidents. well get up early and leave early so you won’t be late. And you should not be looking at your phone and if you have a call get a Bluetooth like everyone else!!!

  6. To Mr. Schiff: What did you mean by your comments of “Cops need to do their job”….”No other town in NJ would stand for this.”? Do you think if any police officer in Lakewood saw this, they would ignore it and wouldn’t get a ticket?

    Where do you come to make such comments? Do you have any real facts? or just making up “Fake News”?

  7. You wonder why Lakewood has a bumper sticker that reads pray for me I drive in Lakewood. By the way police in Lakewood are told not to ticket by the higher up

  8. County Line everyone doesn’t stop at the flashing Light and NJ State should force all school buses to have a camera on buses to catch speeding past red flashing lights. The bus company should report them to the police and have them ticket them.

  9. This is just getting out of hand!!!! There is never a good reason to pass a bus with his stop sign out. I don’t believe that a police fire truck or HATZOLAH would pass without stopping.

    To our great police officers in Lakewood, please please crack down on this ASAP.

  10. @megaskan,
    You my friend, are what we call a Chossid Shotah.
    It is not mesirah if it is dangerous…which this very much is. This idiot could end up killing someone’s little kid.

  11. well STOP signs actually mean to stop as well, but doesn’t seem like most drivers in Lakewood under what STOP means in ANY case, so….

  12. To Where are your facts:
    Regarding “Do you think if any police officer in Lakewood saw this ), they would ignore it and wouldn’t get a ticket?”:

    Here’s a fact:
    After work one day I was making my way up River Ave and was waiting in traffic backed up at an intersection. A driver decided that he is the exception who doesn’t have to wait like everyone else. He drove (sped) down the middle of the road over a double yellow line, a long distance past a very very long line of cars – this wasn’t passing a car or two – and cut in front of the first car at the intersection, then continued merrily on his way up River, leaving tens of drivers behind who were dumb enough to wait their turn as well as follow the rules of stopping and not blocking an intersection when traffic is backed up.

    The thing is, that coming in the opposite direction down River was a police car with two police officers, driving at a leisurely pace, clearly not rushing anywhere. The “exception”al driver performed his stunt in full view of this police car. I assumed that *this* time the infraction was so blatant that of course he would be pulled over. But nothing doing. He sped past the entire line of cars down the double yellow line in the middle of a major avenue, the police car drove leisurely in the other direction, and I – a new resident of Lakewood – sat there bewildered and unsettled after seeing a clear demonstration that lawful and careful drivers are left to fend for themselves among drivers with no regard for basic rules of the road or the safety of others.

    A fact to ponder

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