SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: Child Nearly Struck by Vehicle Passing Open Door of School Bus

A child is lucky to be alive after a vehicle came just feet away from striking him as he was getting off the bus.

The incident happened on County Line Road in Lakewood Tuesday evening.

Video shows a school bus pulling up to the boy’s stop, and as the boy begins to walk off the bus, a car can be seen driving around the bus, passing the doors of the bus.

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  1. Bus driver should be arrested, failed to turn on lights until the passing driver was already going around. Before you fall off your high horse, I am well aware that passing on the right is illegal, however it is the minhag hamakom. The driver who passed illegally should get a ticket, but what the bus driver did was far worse letting a child off the bus without looking, should be arrested.

    • I looked at the video numerous times and cannot clearly see if the flashers are on or not.
      As far as knowing that passing on the right is illegal, there is no “however” after that. Stop excusing the driver of the car!

  2. Why was the busses yellow lights not on ahead of time to give drivers the heads up that he will be stopping soon? They only went on as the door opened. I’m not saying the car was right in trying to pass the bus like that but he had no clue the bus was about to let someone off. I really wish busses would pull over to the curb to let ppl off, and also not let ppl off on the opposite side of the street. I’ve seen soooo many near misses, it’s mindblowing.

    • 1. How can you tell the yellow lights were not on, the angle of the video doesn’t allow you to see the flashers clearly.
      2. The driver was on the correct side of the road with a large shoulder to his right. The shoulder is not another lane.
      3. The driver was slowing down in order to drop the child off, stop being in such a hurry that you cannot pay attention.

  3. Just a tid bit from growing up in brooklyn about what the drivers used to do. To start in no way is the condoning the actions of the moron who came dangerously close to striking this child. However growing up in brooklyn, when busses would drop kids off on the opposite side of the street(the left side the drivers would turn in to the lane and thereby block any cars from passing, as attempting to do so works just crash in to the bus. In this specific situation the driver was stopping on tge right side if the street however since there was a whole shoulder of room this person attempted to pass. To keep our children safe I ask a very simple question. Why does the driver not attempt to pull a little to the side instead of dropping the kid off smack in middle of the street. Preventing the problem is better than trying to solve it.

      • The car is totally wrong I agree ,nothing is that urgent that you put a child’s life in jeopardy by illegal passing a school bus on the right on the shoulder , it still would be prudent for the bus to pull closer to sidewalk to prevent what could have been a tragedy !

  4. How does anyone think this is okay? Like genuinely, what goes through someone’s head when they see a bus slow down and stop, and then PASS THE BUS ON THE RIGHT? Do they not understand that a kid is getting out?

  5. The BUS DRIVER should FIRED!!!!

    There is NO EXCUSE for dropping off a child from the left lane. NONE!!!!

    The car passing on the right may have not seen the blinking lights and perhaps thought the bus stopped behind a car, so he kept going.

    If he did see the lights that’s a different story.

    Regardless, the BUS DRIVER is the one responsible for the children safety and he was totally negligent!!!!!

  6. Bus driver is at fault here no one else. U have an entire shoulder Frikken use it! Done let little kids off inmiddle of a busy street they shouod know better

  7. Bus driver didn’t put on the yellow lights, only the reds when he opened the door, car was already starting to pass him at the point, so both are in the wrong, the car for passing on shoulder and bus for not putting the lights on prior to opening the door, which is extremely weird, since in Lakewood they put on the yellows a block before the stop and even when the stop is after they turn onto the side street.

  8. the bus driver should have put his lights on earlier plus the car probably thought the bus was making a left turn as it looks like his left blinker is on. however technicaly speaking the car is wrong because he passed on the shoulder

  9. Please note the bus driver is a tzaddik and saved our son’s life. In general, he is the kindest and most safe, loyal and devoted driver. This happened to our child and because the driver noticed in his rearview mirror the car speeding, he yelled out and caused my son to freeze, thus saving him from tragedy. Hashem protects our children every day. Some days we’re fortunate to see it. Please drive safely.

  10. This was a terrible situation and whatever is needed should be done to correct it. However many hours of thought, training, and discussion, including speaking repeatedly to the children, is worth preventing even one tragedy. Driving in Lakewood is nerve-wracking.

    It does not make sense to drop a child off in a possible active lane.

  11. Bus driver should have put on lights earlier.
    Bus driver should have pulled over to the right.
    Car driver may legally assume bus was stopping to make a left turn and pass around on the right.
    B”H no one was hurt.

  12. Common sense!!!
    if a bus is stopping what do you do?
    2005: to be safe just stop!!
    2025: ignorance!! just zoom around, who cares!! kill a kid and blame the world

  13. Man o man so many people just do not know the rules of the road’s absolutley legal to pass a car that is stopping or is making a left hand turn on the right or shoulder you have to slow down and proceed with caution..which this driver did not…the bus driver absolutley did not put on the flashing lights until he made a complete stop you can clearly see this as a UPS truck passes the stopped bus there’s still no lights ..and on another note the bus is absolutely right in discharging passengers in the lane of traffic and not the shoulder as cars would be flying by in the lane instead ..he just has to put the flashing lights on well in advance of stopping

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