Surveillance Video Captures Multi-vehicle Accident in Lakewood

Surveillance video captured a multi vehicle accident in Lakewood today.

The accident happened around 5:30 PM at the intersection of New Hampshire Ave. and Oberlin Avenue.

A utility pole was also struck during the accident.

Police are investigating.

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  1. If you look closely at the beginning of this video, it is very clear that the first accident that happened here, you have a car waiting at the intersection, probably waiting to make a left turn. The driver from behind that him was really in the other lane (side by side) and the driver saw a green from the distance and did not realize that there was a car right in front of him that was waiting for the light to become green, he swerves to his left to avoid hitting him and then he ends up hitting the other guy waiting to make a left.
    His eyes were focused on the actual traffic light that became green, but he was not paying attention to a physical car that was right in front of him. He was maybe distracted through a telephone call. It is very hard to talk on the phone and at the same time to travel through a complicated intersection, as an example if a person’s conversation was maybe related to a real estate transaction and the property is already under contract and you would like to offer more money in order to grab the house, such a conversation is very detailed and very complicated and you need to follow advice very carefully how to beat the system in a way that the other guy can not sue you, and if this conversation is happening as you fly through an intersection, it is not a good idea. Such conversations need to be while you are stationary. Now what happens is that the original guy with the original contract he ends up with his honest deal.
    Also another scenario why sometimes people are not noticing a car right in front of your eyes, I think it is due to the fact that sometimes people will drink a small Lechaim at a Simcha, maybe 2 or 3 ounces , so if you are tired and you also have some alcohol in your blood, this can cause you not to be on the ball and it will take your brain longer to digest the actual cars that are actually on the road.
    I have no clue if the drivers in this specific accident were on the phone or drank a little bit, but for sure in other accidents, these issues are a serious problem.

  2. the corners of new hampshire and cedarbridge and/or oberlin have so many accidents; lpd NEEDS to do something to prevent ; even if they park a flashing patrol car between 8am and 8pm it would slow down and make many drivers pay attention to the road;

  3. Officially the problem is the maniac who plowed into the car waiting on the stop line. Unofficially, it looks like the bus didn’t stop for a red light, but just drove into the intersection, stopping the car that had the turning light in the middle of the intersection and possibly blocking the intersection when the light changed green for the stopped cars.
    Stop signs and red lights don’t mean slow down, they mean you stop.

  4. To replace that main utility pole is probably about $80,000; maybe JCP&L will bolt on a heavy duty iron brace around the area where the pole was hit which is about $10,000.
    The vehicle (Subaru) which hit the pole did not cause the accident, but it was speeding like crazy.
    Those intersections Desperately need speed cameras; After the speeders will have a few tickets show up in the mail they will finally slow down.

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