Surveillance Video: Accident at the Intersection of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire

The accident happened around 5:45 PM Friday evening.

No serious injuries were reported.

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  1. I have come to realize even when I have the right of way at this intersection to slow down and check to see if clear to proceed,so many drivers ignore the traffic signals and also turn when they should be yielding to the cars going straight

  2. I wonder— Do the people who cause these accidents, that are captured on video, ever given traffic tickets? Surely the vehicles are there when the police arrive and, by watching the videos, could determine who was at fault and give tickets.

  3. Thanks for the video. TLS is becoming a main hub for accident enthusiasts. Maybe, if the accident is not serious you can start a separate column. Use funny music, insert amusing remarks. Edit it down some, have it narrated. It would draw more likes and views. $$$$

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