Superintendent At DPW To Replace Director John Franklin

John_Franklin_DPW_DirectorAl Burdge, the current Superintendent at the Department Of Public Works is set to replace DPW Director John Franklin on July 1st, 2010, sources tell TLS. Mr. Franklin, 80, who has been the Public Works Director for 15 1/2 years, will be retiring July 1st at his Lakewood home. Al has been with the DPW since August of 1982.

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  1. Why dont we get to vote for the new head? In light of everything we know i’m calling on the committee to pass a law that either allows us to vote for the new head of DPW or makes a 4 year limit on the amount of time anyone can hold that position.

  2. Can’t wait to see the colors this guy comes up with ! Maybe we will have an orange garbage trucks

    Crazy, no? Next thing you know they’re gonna have yellow school buses.

  3. WE need elections or term kimits for the heads of the departments,
    the township commitee will never replace any dept head ,and that is where all the waste and corruption goes on I call on bob singer to keep his promises of reevaluating the DPW. enough with the insiders taking over we need a vote.

  4. Take a moment to find out what qualifications are needed to be the director of DPW and then you may think differently.

    Thanks to John, the DPW has a good honest work force. Lakewood DPW has set a high standard that other towns in New Jersey,now are seeking to duplicate!

  5. it bothers me for a very long time in such a heimishe town why no yidden running public works ,tax or inspection departments

  6. No term limits, if we have term limits it will cost you much more to train in new people every 4 years in how to pick up garbage and trim the trees… Imagine if you had to get voted in to do your silly sales job every four years…. You would have go on HUD and foodstamps

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