Restoration Efforts Continue; 8,500 Lakewood Families Still Without Power

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  1. If you drive throgh the streets and see the massive trees that fell down, you realize what a MIRACLE it is that none fell onto people, or even onto houses! We must be grateful for the good. We were without power for 2 days, but were well prepared with batteries, flashlights, candles, and matches etc. We lit our gas flames with matches and were able to cook delicious food, trying to use up what we had in the non- working refrigerator. We kept the freezer door closed as much as possible and so nothing is spoiled. We thought of it as an adventure! I think that JCP&L are doing a great job, considering the HURRICANE we just experienced (it wasn’t a thunder storm!!!!)

  2. Why is everyone so obsessed with Westgate?? They have power …..they don’t, whatever it is its the same all over. I have a brother in law and cousins there but still what’s all the noise ?

  3. go online or look at the newspaper where there are photos of peoples houses completely destroyed along the beach fronts & houses over 100 years old burned to the ground . Look at the people’s faces who lost EVERYTHING, then imagine being in their shoes! I dare anyone to complain about not having electricity within earshot of these poor souls. There is absolutely no excuse for such childish behavior. Everybody was warned & given instructions as to how to prepare for this storm. You will not receive any sympathy from those of us who acted responsibly as adults should during such times. If you know your kids are picky eaters, too bad! As a parent you should have expected such and prepared accordingly. Quit your moaning & grow up !!! It’s absolutely appalling to read such stupid, unappreciative comments! If your house was destroyed then maybe you wouldn’t complain because you wouldn’t have to worry whether or not you have electricity. Some people are completely ungrateful!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!

  4. BTW, for all of you wanting to know why “the trucks aren’t on my block fixing the problem,” the problem is not always “on your block. The power isn’t generated there ya know. There are lots of steps involved in getting it to you from where it’s generated:

    1) The power plants need to be up and running,
    2) the transmission lines,
    3) transmission substations
    4) distribution substation
    5) and LASTLY the distribution lines on your block.

    If the lines were not knocked down on your block (or if you have underground lines) then the problem is out of YOUR line of sight. It’s not easy but keep in mind, this morning about 74% of Lakewood was effected and now “only” 64%. That’s a nice amount of people, considering that neighboring townships haven’t seen such progress. Jackson is still 100% in the dark…..

  5. If you want to know weather your power is back on when you are not home you make sure your answering machine is plugged in and you call to see if your phone rings without going to the answering machine . You can call as often as you want and you will not annoy anyone

  6. Let me repeat Ashley, Arlington, Lincoln and Wynatt are all without power so it’s nice that everyone is telling us to be patient but it should have been restored already.

  7. I don’t know who this ” moshiach now” person is (and believe me I sure am glad of that fact!) But whoever you are, you have such brazen chutzpa and such a lack of respect and lack of basic compassion for other human beings…’s unbelievable! Don’t you know that people in the shore towns have lost everything they own and some have even lost loved ones???? Why don’t you just go crawl back under the stone from whence you came and don’t bother resurfacing for the foreseeable future?????

  8. I still have no power! But I have used my phone to look at news websites and I am Extremely Thankful that that is the only problem that I have.
    I read comments reminding people that
    “you were advised”… to get food for each person on your household for possibly up to a week or more. Maybe you should have picked up food that your children liked- that’s what I did!
    “you were advised”… to fill up your tank. I find it sad that if you are fortunate enough to have a generator that you are not fortunate enough to have the common sense to purchase extra gasoil for it as well (they sell big red gas tanks for that) I have a few of them. We are also only running the refrigerators on the generator. Unplugging one to use the microwave then plugging it back in. Also have unplugged the genny at bedtime when no one else is going to open them, it conserves gas and the food will be fine for 7-8 hours!
    # 46- You wrote that you were driving all over looking for gas- try picking one station and wait on line. Driving all over uses a lot of gas, sitting in line and turning your engine off and waiting to move up, not nearly that much.
    As far as looking for repair trucks… they are here. They may not be in your neighborhood or on your street, but they are here. The problem causing your outage may not be near your home. The power companies have to locate the problem, assess the damage then begin the repair- you just can’t say a few words or wave a magic wand and poof, it’s fixed!
    Be patient and thank the thousands of workers who are coming in from around the country to help us out in NJ.
    As has been said a number of times…. Be thankful that you have a house without power as opposed to not having a house left after this storm. Bet anyone of those people would trade places with you in second!!!
    Become responsible for yourselves and stop complaining! Be thankful for what you have-not the small things that are a slight inconvenience!

  9. As I have tried to explain to my kids over the last few days we are uncomfortable but we are not suffering! No I do not have power or even running water due to the fact that my water is pumped from a well with an electric pump. But we have our lives, our house, all of our belongings, food to eat and indoor plumbing! It is uncomfortable to wake up in a house that is 57 degrees. The dirty laundry and dishes are piling up. So what??? Thank g-d its only temporary. We are only 65 yrs removed from our ppl who would have been thrilled to have our living conditions this week. I don’t expect my kids to understand this but I’m assuming the people posting here are adults. Grow up.

  10. Still no power on 13th and Princeton. We have a generator and have given space in our freezers and fridge for people without. We have been charging cell phones and computers for those who need it. Have hooked up Hirshbergs shul so it can be used for Shabbos.

    Anyone know where to get gas?

  11. I’m out of power for abt 62 hours!! if a/o thinks we shouldnt b complaining put urself in our shoes! iits ttly ridiculous how long its taking to restore our power….

  12. to park Ave
    I am in your shoes (as far as electric thank g-d not in attitude) but who are you screaming at ? the ribono shel plan? after all it is the ribono shel olam that brought this upon us.
    maybe its your attitude that brings this Charon af!
    are you such a maven in how electricity gets to your home ? what exactly are you doing to help out? I know that the ones that do know this stuff (ad in the guys out fixing ) they are out there in the cold doing the best they can. they aren’t calling in sick! and they certainly are not complaining and blaming others
    get a life and start appreciating what you do have!

  13. to those of you who don’t have electricity but are somehow managing to convey your hostilities via internet; I believe the more negativity you put out & do not thank G-D for what you DO have & not pray on behalf of those who are truly suffering, & those who are working tirelessly in order to help others, the longer your wait will be !

  14. what’s ridiculous is that we were warned a week BEFORE the storm to be prepared for power outages lasting up to a week & so many didn’t ! That’s ridiculous!

  15. WHAT IS WITH ALL THE COMPLAINING GOING ON HERE.THIS IS WHY PEOPLE THINK WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT LAKEWOOD PEOPLE .I GAURANTEE YOU THAT ALL THESE WORKERS ARE DOING ALL THEY CAN TO GET EVERYTHING UP AND RUNNING . sometimes not everything life can be solved by a government program .In the real world ,things like this happen ,and we have to make the best of it .

  16. From the Fox report:

    Other targets of frustration are the utility crews working to restore power. With the daunting task of repairing nearly half of all service in New Jersey and as much as 80 percent on Long Island, local power companies are getting help from out of state. But that doesn’t stop angry calls to company offices and even occasional confrontations on streets – when utility workers can even be spotted. The Long Island Power Authority advised customers angry at a lack of visible LIPA crews that many working to restore electricity to Long Island have come from out of state and are using personal vehicles.

  17. Thank you to all the paid workers and all the volunteers of the LPD, LCSW, Chaveriem, LFD, Bikur cholim, DPW, Chia lifeline, OEM, Hatzalah, jcp&l, and all the rest of the wonderful organizations and departments helping people out in this time of need!

  18. Critical infrastructure is more important than your house or business. Relax your power will be restored sooner or later. If you live by a hospital, or a water plant, or a substation you probably have power if not you will have to wait. What about the people along the shore that don’t even have a house to go to, or are living in a gymnasium with hundreds of other people they probably don’t know! Be patient your time will come…

  19. In Coventry we have no power! We were told we won’t have it before Shabbos. Our power comes from a burned down transformer next to shloimies grocery store and they need to order the pole and some equipment and they claim it takes at least 24 to 48 hrs! What a disgrace!!

  20. I just arranged for five families from lakewood that will be coming into williamsburg hosted for shaboss in a royal way,we also arranged volunteers who will be picking up the families and imyhashem taking them back, they were also offered to stay over after shaboss if power is not yet restored, its getting cold and you have families with small children, I implore achaunu beni yisroel to lend a hand and host a family until this crisis is over, Reb Yolish used to say “You help others, you help yourself” a gut shaboss

  21. #36–WELL SAID–Everybody new about this storm ahead of time–Give jcp&l time to survey the damage—-Better yet, learn to use a chain saw, go out there and help your town out—keep on complaining and you will wait a little longer for service

  22. I wish all we had was no power. Instead I have neighbors with no houses, no clothes, no cars. Lets see what I should complain about?? We rescued neighbors out of their homes with boats, guess what they didn’t complain about their lights being out. Maybe you all need to get a grip on real life and be thankful for the roof that is still over your head and the can of food that is in your pantry. My neighbors and their kids spent two nights in our home while theirs was washing away, never once have they complained about no power. I thinnk a lot of people in Lakewood need to be thankful for what they have. just maybe the power compnies are working on the areas that have real problems.

  23. “bng”…the only disgrace is your thoughtless comment. I and millions of others are without power. The power company has been doing an excellent and effective job restoring power to most of our town. Nobody owes you anything. Re-examine your middos, especially when you air them out in public and reflect on our whole community.

  24. to bng next to Covenrty – Do you know how long it takes to get a pole and equipment? Why do you call it a disgrace? First a tree has to be planted then it has to grow tall enough. I think 24-48 hrs. is pretty fast considering how long it take a tree that size to grow!

  25. You are all a bunch of whiners. Lakewood used to be a community who helped one another. We had no power for a week when I was a kid and we all helped each other and actually had fun. Yeah its cold but the fireplace is warm and the propane grill works just fine. BBQ every night. Heat water in fireplace and take a bath. Improvise, get a grip. You can live without TV.

  26. no power since noon on monday in raintree!! its thurs night and we’re told it’ll be 7 more days!! FYI The police dept echoed our thoughts re: utility trucks, wondering where they are, and why JCP&L is not responding to their high-importance notifications!! so there!! as for all u ‘holier than thou’ ppl w power, how dare u judge ur friend til u walk in his shoes!! shame on u!

  27. The performance of jcpl is disgraceful. But even more so are our elected officials who promised us great representation and now in our moment of need are not getting the job done. Our congressman and senators along with our town leadership should be demanding faster responses from jcpl. It is undeniable that they are not working in Lakewood. Not one truck has been sighted and I just passed Arlington and Ashley avenue. It is pitch black looks like a ghost town. Yet one block away there is power.

  28. Did anyone ever thank Hashem for the lights and power he’s been giving us all this time instead of complaining about it. Think about all the good Hashem has done for us over our life. All the food we ate, that we have a house to live in, that all our body parts are functioning properly every second, its all a test to see how we’ll react to misfortunes and we’re failing miserably.(Just something to keep in mind)

  29. There is gas available in manchester. 2 gas stations wawa and exxon. No line at all. Exxon is @ highway 37 and commonwealth blvd. And the wawa is further east about a half mile on rt 37.
    to get to exxon take rt 70 west towards lakehurst till the circle and take the 2nd exit to rt 37. Its about 1 mile down on the left.
    A 10 min drive but no line.

  30. Just got power back on E7th / Ridge. I was really trying to put a brave face on it but it was getting a bit hard! Baruch Hashem my power is on and I hope that everyone else will get it soon.

  31. 600 families in coventry on 1 square mile of property, still no power 2ap
    m friday morning, u would think that when they prioritize they would hey 50 homes in sq mile or 600 homes etc, maybe let’s get covntry up and then work on the less dense areas. Go figure!
    Goyish Kup

  32. Slowly but surely gas stations are opening up all over the area. The pressure is being relieved a bit. Remember, this too shall pass. Let’s stay calm.

  33. Just wondering where are all the school buses getting gas when we can’t get any. If they have so much fuel why don’t they help the community instead of getting the kids out of their parents hair?

  34. Fred, takeh a goyishe kup. Coventry only has 600 families, so you will be last. Meanwhile, Jackson has 10,000 families, so they are working on Jackson first.

  35. Is coventry the only place left in lakewood without power? Can everyone who is still out please post so the toqn can get an idea who is still without power

  36. We have many great people here in LKWD going beyond the call of duty. Although I still don’t have power my children’s schools do. I want to personally thank Captain Seigle and R’ Eismann for using their connections to ensure that our school were first priority for JCP&L.
    Thank You, Thank You and Thank You.

  37. Still no power in my neighborhood and it’s not Coventry. But, I am not complaining, I am happy things aren’t worse. (I could have electric stove and hot water, that would be worse) (I could have water in my basement or have my car flooded out like in Cedarhurst, that would be worse.) (I could have had a big tree fall on my cars like my friend in Monsey – that would be worse.) There are a lot of worse things so look on the bright side of things. I always see the cup as half full, not half empty.

  38. Let me point out that even in neighborhoods that have power, there are some people who have wires down in front of their house and are still without power. because it is only a smalll cluster of homes they know that they are pretty low on the priority list.
    One friend of mine told me that there are live wires down on near Miller Road and despite notifying JCPL numerous times, they are still just dangling there!!

  39. Majority of these comments are unbelievable. Lakewood is not the only town without power in nj. Most towns do not have power yet. You have guys coming in from our of state to help out and fix the power who are doing this on their own dime and are not getting paid. And jcp&l is working as hard as they can. THEY DO NOT SERVE ONLY LAKEWOOD. Pse&g has also not gotten majority of their customers up and running yet. This is not a few towns that got hit. IT WAS THE ENTIRE STATE! Lakewood has electric problems often because the grid is not equipt to handle the number of people who live in this town. If you didn’t have the money to stock up on gas for a generator or anything that is not the electric company’s fault. You just have to wait like everyone else in this state. Be happy you still have homes. And I’m Saying this as a person who also does not have power yet and who does live in lakewood. So I know it’s frustrating but the entire state is out. Deal with it. And I’m sure if it was possible to just flip a switch and turn on power they would. It’s not as simple as that. So wait it out, learn patience, and teach your children how to have some as well. There was once a time where most people did not have heat or power and yet they stayed alive long enough to have generations of children. You will survive. Deal with it.

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