If you’re accustomed to paying for gas by credit card, you’ll now have to dish out more at the Sunoco station on River Avenue. As of yesterday, the gas station, located on on River Avenue and High Street, began charging two different prices for cash and credit.
The price yesterday for regular cash was 3.69 and for regular credit 3.79.
Also be advised, debit card sales are considered like credit card sales, at many stations. TLS-YF.
is there any place left that still charges same price
Would I still pay 5 cents less if I use my Sunoco credit card?
Singin on Madison and 10th
throw your credit cards & debit cards directly into the garbage. they bring you to immediate dept that continues to grow month by month. use cash or checks & live by your budget & then get to always be happy, or would you rather live a stressfull life always in debt?
someone sounds very sad. I use credit cards for convienence reason and only swipe what i can afford. You have to learn how to budget your self. By throwing out your credit cards is not the solution. Hatzlocha
The singin on hurley ave recentlystarted charging different prices for credit and cash. i personally only go to a station with one price for credit or cash.
I will be forever indepted to you for your words of wisdom.
To Yaakov- guess what? There are actually families where the father & mother work full time and part time, never or seldom eat out or take out, don’t waste $ on non essentials, yet after paying utility bills, health insurance, car loan, car insurance, mortgage, groceries, and the occasional needed clothing for kids such as shoes, not to mention car and household repairs (after pushing off and saving for as long as possible) there’s little or no money left. Credit cards are terrible, agreed. But for many a necessary evil.
WAWA on Central Ave (past West Gate) is the cheapest and charge the same price for cash or credit.
There is an iPhone app called Gas Buddy that can give you the prices of all the gas stations in your area.
If you find yourself in debt like I did, you should call ez debt(370-7200) or a service like that. They have saved me over 50k. I now sleep at night…
the wawa that #10 is talking about is not always cheapest however now the are in a price war with a new station up the road petroleum 19 so they are quite cheap
ALL gas stations south of 9th st charge ten cents more PER GALLON for credit cards.
BP by the lake is sometimes the same price cash and credit
BP is not the same cash and credit,
wawa on massachusettes and 70
There is an app for blackberry, iPhone, and Android that is called POYNT that gives you the cheapest gas prices and the closest gas station in any location. The app also allows you has White and Yellow pages and has reverse look up directly in the call log on your phone. After looking up a name or business you can then add them to your contact and you can also have the app connect you directly to your phones GPS for directions. L’Toeles Harabbim.
The petroleum 19 chain is owned by a verry fine jew. It would be a great idea to fill there as apposed to wawa.
I tried calling that number, but it just rang… Anyone know a reliable company that deals with debt?
why not just let us know which ones don’t charge different prices
I think NPGS is $2.49 for whole chicken quarters. Now that’s only Myuchad but KJ Poultry is more.
Cash or credit-same price!!
What has TLS become, a Torah Times???
Ask ur local rav if you’re allowed to purchase gas @ a place that charges more for credit. There are ribis issues…tzorich iyun…just sayin
To @Chiam. I made a mistake in the digits. The number is 730-7200 not 370. Call them…
bp has 2 credit cards that give cash back one issued by chase and one by themselves the one they issue i’m told charges you the cash price
Wasn’t there an overhaul on the whole banking system (Dodd Frank Act) that was supposed to lower the credit card fees read this The Senate voted on July 20 to set new limits on swipe fees for retail businesses, as part of the massive Dodd-Frank finance bill, clearing the bill for approval by President Obama. These limits are being seen as a financial victory for both retailers and consumers alike. Even though you don’t pay them directly, credit card swipe fees have probably had a huge impact on your finances. Each time you make a purchase from a retailer with your credit card, the retailer must pay a debit card interchange fee, better known as a swipe fee, for being able to accept the credit card charge.
These fees are often as high as 2 percent per transaction, and in 2008, represented $48 billion, which was paid by retailers to Visa, Mastercard, and card-issuing banks, and ultimately meant higher prices for consumers. In fact, after labor costs, swipe fees are the second-largest expense for convenience stores and gas stations.
Part of the Dodd-Frank Act, called the Durbin Amendment, provides credit-card fees to retailers and consumers alike, and attempts to ensure that swipe fees are proportional to the actual charges incurred by using credit cards to conduct business. Setting limits on swipe-fee increases are important, because while most retailers have seen a fall in profits in recent years, the cost for them to accept credit cards has doubled since 2003.
Some of the provisions of the Durbin Amendment that will assist retailers include ensuring that retailers have access to at least two debit card networks, since currently, card networks can require that retailers only have one network option of how to run their cards. Retailers would also be permitted to set minimum purchase limits for card use, so that they aren’t found in situations where the cost of the transaction would exceed the money made. Finally, retailers would have the option of offering discounts to customers for paying with cash or debit cards.
In addition to lowering the cost for retailers to accept credit cards, this bill will encourage competition among credit card issuers as well; the element of choice between card networks will mean that the old system of card monopolies cannot force retailers to use a network with high swipe fees.
bp at 9 and chestnut does not treat the bp card as cash. they still charge the credit price even if you are using bp card.
To Chaim who was $50k in debt and got it off, I have a question for you:
I’d like to borrow a couple of thousand dollars from you. (When I can’t pay it back, I’ll just declare bankruptcy and I won’t have to pay you back)
Seriously, do you not have any guilty feelings that you ripped off somebody somewhere by borrowing the money, spending it, and then not paying it back?