We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Dovid Ozer Notis Z”L, who was suddenly Niftar today. Reb Dovid Ozer Z”L, originally from Cleveland, was a Misapllel in Zichron Schneur. He was 74.
His children are R’ Shimon Dov, R’ Yisroel, R’ Yosef, R’ Chaim, R’ Pinchos, R’ Mutty, Yitzi and Moshe.
The Levaya will be taking place at 9:15 AM tomorrow (Thursday) at the 7th Street Chapel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Is this Yoey from Bnos Devora father?
yes his father
Whats his relation to mrs. Notis by doctor shoner?
She is the almana of the niftar.
Ever Kinegdo
Where is the levaya
Hashem yiracheim. What a choshuva yid sat and learnt his entire life bli hefsek. What s loss
Her husband
Mrs. Notis at Dr. Shoner is his wife.
He davened, literally like a servant in front of his Master
PLEASE!! correct the word should say ezer. Spell check changed it
her husband
Mrs Notis from Dr shoners office is the wife of the niftar.
And R Motty from Los angeles
A tzadik and Talmud chochom masmid in our Times Kulo Torah and avodah And always bisimcha What a great loss for Klal Yisrael May he be a mailitz yasher for his family and Klal Yisrael
Who are the daughters?
A real tzadik and a masmid.Besides for the chashuvah sons that the article mentioned he also has wonderful eidims including Reb Mendel Greenes and Reb Yudi Meisels.
There are daughters too. Why are their names not listed? Are they not aveilim? Are they therefore potur?????
May Hashem provide comfort to ALL the aveilim and may they know not of any more tzar…
I had the Zchus of learning with Harav Dovid Ozer ztl when I was a young Bochur in Telshe. He was so gevaldig and full of energy. He gave of himself to talmidim, and hosted me at his Shabbos table many times. He was a true model for a Bochur to look up to and emulate. He was a true masmid who had impeccable middos. This terrible news has made me feel a sense of loss that’s hard to explain. The world lost a gem. May his family be comforted with all the mourners of Israel.
I can’t believe nobody mentioned that today was the yortziet of the R”Y Reb M. Gifter – 23 of Teves.