We regret to inform you of the sudden Petirah of Mrs. Chani Kellner A”H. She was 49.
The Kellners have resided in the Forest Park neighborhood for the last 22 years.
Mrs. Kellner A”H leaves behind her husband R’ Shmuel, seven children, her mother and siblings.
The Levaya is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon at the 7thStreet Chapel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
There are no words to convey our deep shock and loss.
Hashem please send nachama to her husband and children. Chani we will miss you and always remember you.
Chani you have good expression towards your coworkers and you did wonderful job at work. We will never forget you and your family are so blessed to have you. Chani Hashem decided to take you away and all my tears rolling down my eyes. When I heard that you been taken back to heaven.
I can NOT believe this.
What a tragedy.
The Kellners are from the Mishpachos HaChashuvim in our town.
May HKBH give the Mishpacha Chizzuk to go thru this tragic, painful time.
How broken we all are with the loss of such a wonderful talented and special person, taken away from us at such a young age. May Hashem comfort her Wonderful family and may they only know of Simcha and may we all be reunited with her shortly. We must all beg Hashem to finally bring Moshiach.
a true tzaddekes with children just like her and her parents. May Hashem give them all a true nechomo. Oy. This is so painful.
We must continue growing and polishing our neshomos to merit moshiach and a release from the need for kappora from taking away our perfect roses. May the family be blessed with extraordinary strength to handle this painful nissayon. May we all be blessed with the extraordinary strength to handle this nissayon. So so painful.
There are simply no words to describe this heartbreaking catastrophe. The entire Forest Park is shaken to the core. May the RBS”O give this choshuva mishpocha nechama and strength to overcome this tragedy.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
I have no words. some things we will never understand down here. that’s when we need to have Emunah & Bitachon. There’s a much bigger picture we don’t see. The kellner’s are such a special family. I’m honored and proud to be friends with them. Mrs. Kellner was always there for her family. A very special lady who was taken way to soon. May Hashem give the family the strentgh and comfort to continue in their illustrious ways. May we only share in simchas going forward, and may the ultimate geulah shileima come speedly in our days.
Btzar gadol a friend of the kellner’s.