Submitted: Where Can I Donate My Leftover Mishloach Manos?
Does anyone know where in the Lakewood area I can drop off Mishloach Manos foods/nosh?
Thank you.
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You can drop off anything at bmg coffee rooms or for specifically nosh & candy (only closed packages) you can drop off by Misameiach family center on county line
Batya is accepting closed packages of snack and candy. Drop off at 235 hearth court west or 17 lelmwoods or 2 Colorado dr in jackson.
BMG coffee room.
Misameach is accepting closed items.
76 drake
Most ppl don’t want it. Just like you don’t.
I think “donate” was the key word here…
I think she means that she wants to do chessed with it, instead of throwing it out.
Give the nosh to any elementary Rebbi you know, it can be used as incentives etc.
“Wait!” said the woman whose large-size chocolate chip cookies are among the dozens of mishloach manos that are waiting to be donated to some unknown person, place or cause. “Is there something wrong with my cookies?! I baked them the same way I bake them every year!”
“Oh, I think I know the problem,” she said. “Too much vanilla syrup, right? Not enough sugar, correct?”
“Please don’t give them away till you tell me what’s wrong with them!” she said. “I put a lot of hard work into baking those things!”
“Darn it,” she said, “probably should have taken them out of the oven after 20 minutes like I always do!”
“Arghhh!” she exclaimed. “Do you have to give the cookies away like they’re some kind of stale snack you found on the side of the road?!”
“I’ll take them back, if you don’t like ’em,” she said. “My husband loves them. My kids will gobble ’em up within seconds. But please don’t treat my cookies like they’re some kind of foreign substance that needs to be discarded!”
“And please return the Purim card I sent you with the Mishloach manos!” she said. “I know a family out there with the same name as yours. I’ll send them the card I sent you, with a newly improved batch of cookies! I can promise you this new batch of cookies will be m’ein Olam Haba! Exquisite as can be! I’m sure of that!”
Why don’t you save it for you? Why would you don’t want it anymore?
You can drop off anything at bmg coffee rooms or for specifically nosh & candy (only closed packages) you can drop off by Misameiach family center on county line
Batya is accepting closed packages of snack and candy. Drop off at 235 hearth court west or 17 lelmwoods or 2 Colorado dr in jackson.
BMG coffee room.
Misameach is accepting closed items.
76 drake
Most ppl don’t want it. Just like you don’t.
I think “donate” was the key word here…
I think she means that she wants to do chessed with it, instead of throwing it out.
Give the nosh to any elementary Rebbi you know, it can be used as incentives etc.
“Wait!” said the woman whose large-size chocolate chip cookies are among the dozens of mishloach manos that are waiting to be donated to some unknown person, place or cause. “Is there something wrong with my cookies?! I baked them the same way I bake them every year!”
“Oh, I think I know the problem,” she said. “Too much vanilla syrup, right? Not enough sugar, correct?”
“Please don’t give them away till you tell me what’s wrong with them!” she said. “I put a lot of hard work into baking those things!”
“Darn it,” she said, “probably should have taken them out of the oven after 20 minutes like I always do!”
“Arghhh!” she exclaimed. “Do you have to give the cookies away like they’re some kind of stale snack you found on the side of the road?!”
“I’ll take them back, if you don’t like ’em,” she said. “My husband loves them. My kids will gobble ’em up within seconds. But please don’t treat my cookies like they’re some kind of foreign substance that needs to be discarded!”
“And please return the Purim card I sent you with the Mishloach manos!” she said. “I know a family out there with the same name as yours. I’ll send them the card I sent you, with a newly improved batch of cookies! I can promise you this new batch of cookies will be m’ein Olam Haba! Exquisite as can be! I’m sure of that!”
Why don’t you save it for you? Why would you don’t want it anymore?