Submitted: We Came Home from Riverwood Park Covered in Ticks

A reader tells TLS he and his family walked along the trails in Riverwood Park in Toms River today, and came home covered in ticks.

“Without exaggeration, between all of us, we had nearly 50 ticks,” he said.

(Via TLS Status)

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  1. Thanks for the information 👍 because usually I only get a tick when I’m walking through waist high brush and that’s just one tick.
    By me though when I spray heavily with OFF (the original sprayer one not the small shpritz one) on my arms, hands, legs, ears, forehead (with eyes closed) I can BH walk through any big brush too. So, I hope that’ll work for everyone even on this trail too.
    Unless, am I mistaken and they already had sprayed completely?

  2. My backyard is to those woods, I went there a few Tim’s and also got ticks, but when I sent it to the lab it was always dog ticks which don’t have Lyme in them, only dear ticks have the Lyme disease.

  3. FYI #1 – Picardin 20% is best spray to use against tics…..
    FYI #2 – Even sitting on a mowed lawn can draw tics as evidenced by my own daughter and neighbors.
    FYI #3 – if you son or daugther came home from camp or trips etc and chas veshalom developed psychological problems or flu like symptoms, you would be smart to look into Lyme.
    FYI #4 – the western blot test done in doctors office has about a 50% false negative (i.e. even in negative, it can be positive)
    May Hashem protect us all…..

  4. lyme is very easy to diagnose but most doctors arent enough educated in bp there is practice thats called phc medical they are very good in it may hashem protect all of us

  5. Every family should get a tick pack from life for lyme
    It has a spray in it that goes on clothes
    And stays thru washes and ticks stay away !
    Also amazing skin sprays etc a must for every home !!
    And yes dog ticks don’t carry lyme but they carry other diseases as do every type of tick

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