In the face of the ongoing conflicts in Eretz Yisroel, it is imperative that we reflect on our
collective response. Have we, perhaps, inadvertently grown complacent as the war rages on?
Are we still being noseh b’ol of the pain our brothers and sisters endure daily?
This is not merely a call to action. This is not a fundraiser.
This is an opportunity to rekindle our commitment to support Am Hakodesh in the Eretz
Hakodesh, by tapping into the pure merit of Limud HaTorah.
One Siyum is a collaborative effort to complete Shas, as a zechus for all the Yidden in Eretz
Yisroel. Starting this week, you can join by selecting one Daf to learn. Upon the completion of
Shas in one week, the Siyum will be celebrated in Eretz Yisroel.
One Siyum does not need fundraising and does not require you to send packages. It’s a step that each individual can take independently, and together we can create a powerful force of the ultimate zechus.
Now is your chance to take achrayus and take action.
Go to to select your daf today.
This is a beautiful idea.
Thank you
Are we ready to accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and ACHDUS together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov?
Do any of us even know what the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM is of the current Israel-Hamas war happening is?
(Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that you’re not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. And neither is it from me a Internet businessman writer.)
Parshas Vayaitzai which talks about Yaakov Avinu traveling from one city to a different city was one of the weeks that was in the midst of The Israel-Gaza war against Hamas terrorists that started on the Yom tov of Shemini Atzeres which is Together with Simchas Torah when in Eretz Yisroel and happened on October 7 2023. When you put the numbers of the date it happened on together you get 107 the word Vayeitzei is Gematria 107. Do you think it’s just a coincidence? We all know the truth that “ there’s no such a thing as coincidence” so what does this have to do in relation to this tragedy happening to klal yisroel? The Hamas terrorists were supposed to on their plans go to Shuls to shoot on C”V and Hashem did a miracle and sent them to a different city-just like Yaakov Avinu-which happened to be a non frum Simchas Torah festival in a different town. Do you think this is just coincidence or does it come directly from Hashem?, at 6:30am Israel standard time (which means it was the Hebrew date of 1/22 and in America 7 hours earlier it was still 11:30pm on the Hebrew date of 1/21) when the Hamas terrorists secretly snuck into the South border of Israel and Shot over 5000 people and also broke into hundreds of homes and took over a hundred young women and children as innocent captives into Gaza. What was the shocking message from Hashem directly to klal yisroel? Why did Hashem make this happen to klal yisroel Rachmana litzlan? And on such a happy Yom tov of Simchas Torah when klal yisroel is in the middle of the Yom tov of Zman Simchaseinu and Hashem gave an extra day of Shemini atzeres to be attached to Hashem? When this war started-as mentioned earlier it was still כא תשרי that’s makes 121 when you put them together and gives you the chapter of תהלים said in times of Tragedies and repentance begging Hashem to forgive Klal yisroel and to please accept klal yisroel’s serious Teshuva that Hashem is waiting for us to do together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already b’karov. Do YOU think this is just a coincidence? Do you think it was just an accident that just happened to come out on this date and also on such a holy Yom Tov of Simcha? And then in a split second to be changed over to a time of instant fear, anxiety and aggravation without even knowing what the next minute will bring? Let us hope that we finally accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already b’karov.
nothing is a coincidence. period. you’re intention is well intended. but with due respect , – where do we find in authentic meforshim that putting together a secular month with a secular day of that month (not even a gematria!) ,is a message from Hashem etc. in the way that you have written?! we don’t!
(there’s no coincidence, but your interpretation is totally unfounded. There’s no coincidence, does not automatically mean that we understand Hashem’s reason for everything )
Looks like you are not ready to face reality and admit to Hashem and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva. Looks like you need another Shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM that happened the second it hit China before it even hit the entire world.
The shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM of the coronavirus Mageifa pandemic.
Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. What is the shocking message of the Coronavirus Pandemic-that shut down the entire world starting January 2020-that has already killed millions of innocent lives of all ages, with thousands of them being Yidden Rachmana Litzlan? what does Coronavirus mean? Kara-Na-Aveiros,, call out to your aveiros-my loving children klal yisroel-to wake up & do teshuva. But the message from Hashem doesn’t end there, what’s the other name for Coronavirus that everyone calls it? i forgot, Covid, what does that mean? what does Covid/Honor do to a person? what does it say in Pirkei Avos? it removes a person from the world, & that’s exactly what Covid is doing right now, its removing millions of people from the world thousands of them Yidden Rachmana Litzlan as we are still in the midst of this terrible mageifa effecting the ENTIRE world. Let us all ask ourselves who made it be called these crazy names? Dr. Fauci in the White House? where does it come from? the dictionary? is this just coincidence or is it a straight sign & direct message from Hashem that its time for all of klal yisroel to wake up & do teshuva? you think about this.
May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and ACHDUS together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov