Two frum guys driving from Lakewood to Brooklyn (about 25 minutes out of Lakewood) saw a car stuck in the middle lane of the Garden State Parkway.
They pulled over on the left lane while another vehicle pulled over between the broken down car and these frum guys.
We blocked traffic on the shoulder as cars were trying to pass and after holding up the highway we successfully moved the car over to the shoulder.
The other lady who stopped had young children in the car and she had to leave but requested that we stay with this elderly woman who had a shredded flat tire.
We contacted Chaveirim but the state police arrived and explained that Chaveirim was not allowed to help us on the highway and that he called a tow truck to take the car off the parkway.
While waiting for the tow truck there were drivers who cursed at us asking why we were hanging out on the side of the highway.
We spoke to Chaveirim and explained that this lady had to get back to Brooklyn and they said they have a spare tire at the OEM location.
We had to argue with the tow truck driver to take her to this location but after a few minutes of back and forth he agreed to take her car to the OEM location.
He suspected that we may have ulterior motives for stopping to help another Yid.
The tow truck driver asked these two guys if we don’t have anything better to do with our time…
We explained that we just want to help another person in need.
The tow truck driver was anti-semitic and asked why we were helping a random stranger on the side of the highway and asked where our yellow vests were.
The driver made many anti Semitic remarks to the woman who’s car he towed on the way back to the OEM Lakewood emergency garage.
We drove and met the tow truck driver at the OEM emergency location and we successfully called a mobile tire shop to fix the tire.
Baruch Hashem she successfully got the tire changed and was able to make it back to Brooklyn safely.
The two frum guys stayed with the woman until the tire was changed which was close to 1am
Mi Kiamcha Yisrael
In sorry but I will say that it sometimes does not look nice on our part and Ive seem it a few times, 10 cars pulled up on the shoulder, looks like a jewish party in middle of the road. While the intentions are amazing, if there are already one or two card pulls up to help, chances are your extra assistance is not needed and keep on driving. It turns out to be more of a chillul hashem for the passing drivers and police, then a kiddush hashem. Besides its a hazard aswell with everyone coming in and out of their cars on the shoulder.
As a member of said emergency response team, I have had my fair share of these types of remarks by people like you. I will tell you, I have had many more not in our community, who will pull over on the GSP and assist, because they see how we are willing to help someone else out.
You may have a point if you were referring to the State law that bars people from getting help, other than the contracted tow companies through the state, on a state highway. For that we are extra careful. If a State Trooper asks us to leave, we leave. However, there are quite a few of Troopers who won’t have much of a problem once we explain who we are.
Thank you.
Lick a cactus
Stop being so worried about chillul HaShem and start helping people.
Not everything has to have a cheshbon.
Kol HaMerachem al HoAchzorim Sofo leHitachzer al HaRachmonim
Alright Jay, next time you get stuck we’ll make sure no helps you. Never have I heard of someone having an issue with yidden helping each other out. Obviously people who do this have half a brain and don’t stand in the middle of the road for nothing, and they do it in the safest way possible. It’s not a chillul hashem for yidden to be helping each other out. Next thing you know you’ll be saying that they weren’t wearing masks…. get a grip!
Hey @jay after that amazing story this is the comment you leave ?
They did an incredible thing when you are doing the right thing forget about who’s watching if it’s the right thing it’s the right thing period.
Thank you so much to all those that were helping with this ordeal.
Those anti-Semitic remarks is a reminder that Hashem wants all of us to do our best to sincerely and seriously daven for the real true Mashiach.
i was once coming back from brooklyn to lakewood at around 2 am and there was a tow truck with a disabled car on the side and 6 cars had already pulled over, the tow guy was tall like a 7 ft viking and he looked us over back and forth and said i will not tow this car until one of you boys gives me his free towing card i know you guys and you help each other so i will not tow him at a charge when one of you guys has it free, so i pulled out my card and off he went but i had to go along with the disabled car so i got back to the dorm close to 6 am!
What is a free towing card?
what does ingrid mean? is it a name of Jewish origin? absolutely not! and it is certainly not American, and not secular either! Rather, it is a “theonym” which means that it has a pagan reference which is foreign to Jewish basic belief!
members of my family have been helped by all sorts of people of good character,no matter what color or religion the helpers and the victims are. we just seem to be more organized so we are recognized, but believe it or not, there are all sorts of people who are kind
This is the story that “i” read. There was a lady stuck in the middle lane of the GSP. The average car is doing about 70 mph. That means her life was in danger!
A group of people who don’t know each other, blocked off the highway and got her safely off the road. That was their intention and they executed it perfectly.
They were not done. She had a flat tire and needed to get home. They were ready to deal with that right, then and there.
But then they were faced with additional adversity. There’s a protocol for such situations on the GSP. A Parkway tow truck has to get her off the highway, presumably @ the nearest exit. They successfully negotiated a dropoff @ a location where they were able to deal with the tire. Two of them remained for security and moral support. Till she was on her way.
Personally, I’m jealous of the שכר waiting for them in עולם הבא.
On quite a few occasions I’ve stopped to help people in need. I’m not Jewish I’mChristian, but I’ve helped several people of different ethnic groups. I’ve helped a Jewish lady, a Pakistani gentelman with an Indian wife with their 2 children, blacks and Hispanics. When someone needs help, it doesn’t matter who they are and what they look like, just help them as best you can. We all live on this earth and we sometimes all need help.
We need more people like you.
Thank you for being a very kind and caring person.
A person is allowed to make their own repairs to their own car. Therefore a friend or relative can assist with repairs, an organization (chaverim)whether for free or otherwise is not allowed. So if you assist someone on any parkway (Palisaides, GSP,Turnpike,Belt Parkway, or any highway that has designated Tow companies) explain that you are friend or relative, do not say you assist people for free.
We are loosing site here, I was a volunteer fireman a tow operator for over 20 years and now iam a substance abuse counsler, so helping people us in my nature and blood. With that said the tow companies that respond to calls on gsp have the proper training and class 3 gear. Their are thousands of people killed on our roadways every year due to these same events. It is a scientific fact that if you have a distraction on the roadway you are going to drift towards that object involuntary. Their are laws like the “move over law” to keep our responders safe in these instances. But their is also a issue of racism here and that cannot be tolerated. As well Their are ego issues.and of course plain old ignorance. I understand the compassion to help believe me. But common sense will tell you and show you that a group of people standing in the roadway in nj when cars are going at a 80mph rate is not smart. Their are proffesionals for this and laws . “Can’t we all get along” RK
It dont matter who you are, when a person needs help, help them