Submitted: Several times a year, Tariq from Ayesha Fashions, also known as Hong Kong Custom Taylor, advertises that he’s coming to Lakewood and all the frum neighborhoods to take measurements for custom suit orders.
Most recently, he would stay in the Ramada Hotel by Rt 70.
For the last 15+ years, I would routinely go to him to choose my suits.
After the first 10 years of me checking his suits for shatnaz and him always assuring me that they were fine.
I got lazy and stopped checking his suits for Shatnaz.
Last week, a friend called me that to say Tariq is coming to town and asked if I still use him. I responded actually that for the last two years I have not and go somewhere local.
He responded to me that several months ago he ordered suits from Tariq and they all had Shatnaz in them.
That night I came home and took five suits from Tariq and brought them to Rabbi Sayagh. He just called me and said 3 out of 5 of the jackets have Shatnaz in them.
Wow. Thank you!