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  1. I think you need to get your facts straight before you write local stores. It seems to be a state problem. Nothing to do with local stores and maybe in one of the non-jewish stores as well. Please get your stories straight before you start posting

    • Defensive much?
      You are the only differentiating between Jewish and non Jewish stores.
      Am this person is saying is that someone at a local store was able to steal from their EBT, and it was likely an employee of one the (local) store where they shopped.
      The emphasis on local is to exclude the possibility of it being statewide, but on the fact that local people are liable to be impacted.

      • Unlikely it was a local store clerk. This is a nationwide scam, perpetrated by hackers. They have stolen millions of dollars. No minimum wage cashier is risking a prison sentence for your few hundred dollars a month.

  2. Unfortunately, you will not be reimbursed for funds stolen after December 20 2024, unless Congress or the NJ legislature allow for it.

    You can create an account at to view your balance and transactions, which shows where the card was used.

    • I know someone in NYC who checked on the theft of their card. It was used online in North Carolina. Hence it’s an online scam done by hackers. They are stealing fortunes every month.

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