Submitted: Not the answer to the Shidduch Crisis, but a nice gesture

I work at Apex Global Solutions, one of the many billing companies in Lakewood.

It’s a really nice environment and they continuously focus on employee morale and think of ways to show care for their employees.

For Reb Shayala’s Yarzheit this week, my company arranged for 8 single girls over 24 to go to his Kever and daven. May their teffilos be accepted!

I was so touched for my fellow co workers and thought this was such a beautiful and meaningful gesture for a company to coordinate.

Mi kiamcha Yisroel!

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  1. Beautiful ! Its called נושא בעול and והחזקת !
    THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF DOING SOMETHING ! EVERYONE can do SOMETHING in some way for the THOUSANDS of OLDER singles in OUR communities!


  2. Who do YOU think has a bigger chance of their tefillos being answered directly from Hashem? Go to a Gadol Hador for a Bracha for Children or a Shidduch etc … or go to the corner of your house and call out directly to Hashem? Your right He’s a big Gadol Hador and there’s a famous line called “צדיק גוזר ה מקיים” but the pro of YOU going directly to Hashem is WAY more powerful. What’s the message? Stop depending on Rebbe’s, segulahs, doctor’s & Lawyers and turn directly to Hashem for help as we say in bentching from Tehillim “ודורשי ה לא יחסרו כל טוב” i.e. for one who seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing that is good.

    • As an single employee at Apex Global, I found this gesture very meaningful even though was not one of the girls who went. AGS cares about their employees and wanted to show in a real way how they want to make a difference to this challengine nisayon. there is no need for you to bash it. We singles daven every single day. There is nothing wrong with those who want to daven at the kever of a gadol for a zchus as well as the tzadaka of sponsering the trip. In addition, the chesed and nosei b’ol, really truly lifts up the feelings of someone who is going through pain.

      • Dear M

        This is really an amazing gesture and chessed what they do at AGS for their workers to help them with Shidduchim and lots of other kinds of help their employees need.

        But in regards to your reply with everyone going to a tzaddik’s kever or to a gadol Hador for a Bracha and still also davening to Hashem themselves also it loses a lot of power versus a person who puts his complete bitachon and emunah (faith and trust) directly in Hashem alone and not turning to anyone else for help cause the person knows that if s/he puts their complete bitachon and emunah directly in Hashem then they will be the happiest person cause they will lack nothing.

        Maybe start making a daily learning Seder with a friend or spouse of Sefer Chovos Halevovos which they make in English as duties of the heart. It’s a beautiful sefer made by a big tzaddik focused on becoming a true person of faith and trust in Hashem and taking you there step by step.

        I wish you lots of Hatzlacha in everything and may Hashem send everyone their zivvug bkarov that’s already waiting for them since 40 days before being born and Hashem is just waiting for the proper time and our tefillos directly to Hashem wholeheartedly for help

  3. REALLY NICE AND THOUGHTFUL!! #CHANGING THE WORLD IN A REAL WAY! its amazing how these offices really care and look out for their employees

  4. This needs to be spoken about and dealt with!! There were major fundraising/campaigns for Rabbeim/Morahs/Kollel…raising money…ITS AMAZING WHAT KLAL YISROEL DOES. BUT WE NEED PEOPLE TO KEEP TALKING SHIDDUCHIM. IT IS SO SO SO IMPORTANT. THERE ARE SINGLE GIRLS AND BOYS OUT THERE IN PAIN!

  5. As a male older single that works for Apex for 2 years. I want to say I was completely hurt by this article being posted, not because the company sponsored a trip for some of the older single females that work here. Rather because I received over 80 messages and calls from people asking why Apex didn’t include me on this trip? I think the gesture was nice and special, and I’m proud to work for such an amazing company who goes out of its way to take care of its employees. But this being publicized and taken the wrong way by people and being insensitive to approach me and ask why my company was being discriminatory towards the single males that work here. Is extremely painful to put up with and to need to deal with. I think people need to be more sensitive towards people and their issues and how to approach them about. And publicizing this story seems like people got a misperception out of the whole idea. Just sharing my thoughts, so people should realize the impact of their words.

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