Submitted: Is Ivermectin The Answer To Covid-19?

Ivermectin, a widely-available, cheap drug used to treat diseases caused by parasites, and is generally well-tolerated, may be a useful weapon in preventing and treating COVID-19, but its usefulness is being hidden from the public by major media platforms, including YouTube. 

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Senator Ron Johnson called out YouTube for removing videos from a Senate hearing in which doctors discuss ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19, ratcheting up censorship “to a new level,” Johnson writes.

At the hearing, Dr. Pierre Kory spoke of a recently-conducted study of 1200 health care workers, 800 who were given ivermectin and 400 who were not. There was not a single case of coronavirus infection among the 800 who took ivermectin, while 58% of those who did not take ivermectin were infected with the virus. The study is small, but its results are undeniably significant and worthy of much attention.

On January 14th, the National Institutes of Health changed its guidance on ivermectin. Whereas it recommended earlier against the drug being given for coronavirus, it now takes a neutral stand on its use, saying that “currently there are insufficient data to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.”

Besides for the obvious and ridiculous censorship of YouTube removing the video about ivermectin, there is another burning question: Why are doctors not being encouraged to try it? It is not a drug that comes with a high risk for complications; as noted earlier, it is a drug that is well-tolerated by almost everyone.

I am not a medical expert and I can’t say for sure that taking it can prevent infection or be useful in treating it. I do know that we have at least one study that showed quite conclusively that it is helpful. So should we be taking it? It’s worth asking your doctor.

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  1. Dr Borody world famous scientist doctor famous for curing peptic ulcers with off labels meds is the one who has proposed this with addition of vit d and tetracycline. He has achieved 100 percent success rate with no ill effects
    NIH has now upgraded Ivermectin protocol from a negative to a don’t know. He has also advocated Ivermectin as a propholactive.

  2. I am not a conspiracy theorist and I believe in modern medicine. It is clear to me at this point that the hospitals dont want to keep people out. They have lost to much revenue because people are not doing elective procedures and people are afraid to go to the hospital. They get paid a lot for corona patients and they need that stream of revenue. I do not believe the Doctors are all bad I believe the medical system is run by the CEO’sand they need to be profitable or they will be out of a job. Hospitals are telling their doctors to let the patients come in we can give them better care here. The issue is once they get to the hospital most of the drugs that work are ineffective. If we wanted to mitigate the loss of life the government and all health care systems should be pushing outpatient treatments for anyone with the slightest risk. We have focused solely on a vaccine with which we are highly unlikely to achieve herd immunity as many won’t take instead of focusing on treatment. We

  3. yes i do believe you should.
    hard to believe what is going on here with ivermectin.
    why are they hiding this from the public
    we have to investigate this
    this is genocide

  4. Hashem Yikom Damo of everyone who died from Corona this past year from hospitals and doctors who refused to medicate, feed or ventilate their patients properly. There’s also a special place in Gan Eden for those who were niftar in a Mageifa. May their souls be elevated above.

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