Submitted: Guaranteed Segula from R’ Yehudah Zev Segal!

Two weeks ago, I met a local Rebbe, Rabbi Menache. Never met him, never heard of him. (It seems I am from the last few people in Lakewood that never heard of him).

I was talking to a friend (outside BP Graphics) and Rabbi Menache came over and shared a story (he knew the person I was talking to)..

As I was talking to him multiple cars pulled over to share with him stories. This one about his daughter who get engaged, a Bachur pulled over telling him he was becoming a Chusson that night, I was mesmerized.. Story after story of getting engaged, Yeshuos, etc.

What is he selling?

He got this from Rav Segal & he tells people to learn Sefer Chofetz Chaim. If you learn it, as Rav Segal promised, there will be guaranteed Yeshuos.

He pushes the small pocket blue cover English edition by Artscroll. (He has a trunk full of these Seforim that he gives out..)

He has hundreds of stories!

Besides people that pulled over to share their Yeshua, he was telling me stories of people, mostly who I knew who had tremendous Yeshous. This one had an older daughter, this one had blisters on his feet for years.. he was once in Satmar giving out his guarantees and someone shouted out, I don’t believe your stories. He was a 36 year divorced guy who was adamant it makes no sense,.. he convinced him.. six months later Rabbi Menache met him, and he hands him a wedding invitation. He says I followed what you told me and I am getting married in nine days..

Story 409 – (October 9, 2023)

At the end of שמחת תורה   this past year, I went to a shul called “לב אבות”.

The Rav who is Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchok Grossman wanted me to speak. In the middle he told his great story that he had with one of his children.

His child was supposed to have an operation with a big doctor. He decided to learn Sefer Chofetz Chaim with his child.

They went for pre-operation and the doctor told him that there’s nothing to operate on. It’s not there. He was shocked. They were learning it for a short time and Hashem had made a miracle.

R’ Grossman asked to be Mefarsem in his name.

Story 3 – (Heard in January 2020)

I was at the wedding of my Rebbe’s son and at the wedding I met his brother who I knew a long time ago. I haven’t seen him in over 25 years. He told me something remarkable.

He is a Rebbe and when first got married his wife had 2 miscarriages. It was a great צער – agony.

His uncle from ארץ ישראל called him and told him that you have to strengthen yourself in being more careful with loshon hora. He decided to learn the laws with his wife.

He then told me something that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. He says that now, 11 children later, he never had a problem again.

About a year ago he called me again to ask me to call a couple who didn’t have children. He added to me a part of his own story that when his wife was expecting after the 1st 2 miscarriages, she had a problem, but in the זכות of learning it, everything worked out and she had her first child.

Story 78 – (June, 2021)

This is another amazing story that just happened. In story #56, a doctor started learning it for his daughter who eventually got engaged and married in March 2021. During the engagement, I told many people how his shidduch came about. A man overheard and decided to learn because he had a big financial issue. He received a bill from the State of over $18,000. His business had collapsed during Corona and it was an amount he could not cover. A month and a half after he started learning the laws, he called the State government directly to see if they could reduce the bill. He reached a lady at the State who said she will try and help him out. She told him that she’ll try to help him and she ended up lowering it to 2 payments of about $2,400. Later on he decided to call back and ask for that woman. He asked her if she can make it lower. She checked his record over many years and she eventually said he doesn’t have to pay anything.

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