Submitted Dashcam Video: We Need To Stop This

Submitted: This is from my dash camera on James Street this morning of a car illegally passing a bunch of cars in between two lanes and a double yellow line, because a car stopped to allow a kid to cross. This kid is lucky to be alive. We need to stop this.


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  1. Maybe we more cameras set up over the Lakewood streets to deter this kind of driving. While most drivers are menchlich, there are definitely Vilde Chayos drivers out there who endanger everyone.

  2. Until Lakewood starts handing out serious tickets I’m afraid nothing will change. If traffic violations here were enforced and people lost money, or privilege to drive maybe then some of these rule breakers would wake up.

    Lakewood’s problem is not only infrastructure; it’s lawlessness.

    • Oh! How did I forget about that?

      I think this whole submission should be taken down. Nothing wrong with reckless driving if someone is crossing nearby not in a crosswalk!

      Hashem Yerachem! Do we need more kids to die for people to start driving safely and carefully?!?!?
      This has nothing to do with the kid crossing; cars are deadly, especially when driven by impatient and/or incompetent people.

    • There are extremely long sections of Lakewood roads without crosswalks. Do you want your kid walking half a mile to cross a street, so he can daven with a minyan? Do you walk that half mile?

  3. While the recklessness is worse and more sensational because there turned out to be a crossing child involved, let’s take a step back and note that the way of passing here – pedestrian or not – is reckless, against the law, and lacking any concern for road safety.

  4. I am the one that sent this in there are houses on both sides of the street where should the kid cross? That’s ridiculous there’s not gonna be a crosswalk everywhere so I shouldn’t cross to the street to go to my neighbours house because I don’t have a crosswalk. There’s no corner to cross it’s smack in the middle between Rt 9 and William Street so anybody who wants to go across the street that lives in those duplexes there should walk all the way down to Rt 9 to the corner to cross or all the way down to William Street cross. They need to be more cops out ticketing people. It doesn’t matter that this kid got across the street, okay BH he got across but did u see how many cars he cut off and driving in between in the middle of two lanes in a double yellow line is extremely dangerous. If someone stops it doesn’t give you a right to do something illegal and dangerous besides that he was speeding as well and thankfully the kid made it across the street.

  5. When are the drivers from Lakewood and Jackson going to learn from the tragedy that happened a couple of weeks ago. I still see too many mini vans where the driver has one hand on the steering wheel and one on their cell phone.

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