A very special neshama, Eli Lieberman a”h, unfortunately recently passed away at age 29 from a rare brain tumor. He was diagnosed at age 22 and was told he would only live a few more months maximum. Hashem in His great kindness had other plans and after undergoing experimental treatments he was able to live another seven years. Tragically,he passed away a couple of months ago leaving nothing behind him. He was understandably not married having been diagnosed so young and of course he has no children. There are no children to daven in his zechus or say kaddish. His father can’t even say all the kadaishem since B”H his own father is still alive.
In order to help Eli a”h, it was decided that a whole cheder dedicating their mishnayos learning for the first year after his petira until his first yahrzeit would give him the unmatchable zechusim of the pure limud hatorah of the tinokos shel bais raban. Could his beautiful neshama get a better aliya? The Chofetz Chaim cheder located in Yerushalayim was chosen because Eli a”h learned in branches of Chofetz Chaim in America. Also, the cheder really needs the financial support because they are going through a difficult financial period as they recently lost their founding menahel so there is a special mitzvah on all sides.
The dedication requires an amount of $20,000. Baruch Hashem, we have raised more than half the amount approximately $10,500, but we still need $9,500. Let’s join together and show the beauty of klal yisrael how we unite together for a true chesed shel emes. His neshama desperately needs these zechusim and without a doubt he will be a big meilitz yosher for everyone who makes these zechusim possible for him. This is a very special opportunity to open up the shaarei shamayim for your own needs and specifically now as we stand before Yom Kippur when Chaza”l have spoken about the importance of giving tzedakah at this time and the more you have a share in this mitzvah the greater the returns will be. The donations are US tax deductible. Thank you so much for your generosity. May we only share in simchas and merit the true simchas hageula bekarov.
All of Klal Yisroel should be a zoche to a gmar chasima tova and only hear of besuros tovos in this new year. You should have a year of bracha and hatzlacha in the ruchinyos and gashmiyos, parnasa bshefa, nachas from the children and grandchildren, health, and Hashem should answer all your tefillos l’tova.